Chapter 7

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Holly's P.O.V

The next morning, I walked into 35 Portland Row to start my work for the day. I had expected everyone to be asleep. Last night was a quick job with Chris helping out and we were able to head to our homes and get a well needed rest. And, as I said, I had expected everyone to be asleep.

I was apparently wrong.

Lucy was up, sitting in her normal spot. The horrid skull in a jar looked to be talking to her. I really don't like that thing.

"Chris is a listener. If she hears you, it could be your end." Lucy warned it.

"That may be true, but didn't you see how she handled that thing earlier? You may be trapped in a jar where she can't hurt you immediately, but that doesn't mean you're totally safe." She rolled her eyes soon after she said that.

She scoffed at the skull, saying "Will you stop with that! I'm not killing Holly! She's my friend." Why does this thing want Lucy to kill me so badly?

Then she twisted a part of the lid and covered it with a cloth.

I walked into the kitchen and greeted Lucy as I entered.

"Good morning Holly." She replied. "Last night was certainly exiting, wasn't it?"

"It really was." I giggled.

There was a pause. The only noise was the clock in the main hall ticking the seconds away.

I cleared my throat.

"So how long have you been up?" I asked as sweetly as I could. I knew that when Lucy first wakes up in the morning, you do not want her grumpy in the morning.

"A while." She hesitated.

"Would it be bad of me to ask why?" I questioned.

Third Person P.O.V

Now, if it were Lockwood up earlier, then that would be normal. He gets up earlier then George and Lucy. Hell, George up the earliest could be considered reasonable. Lucy does not get up before the boys.


Lucy took in a deep breath.

"Can you keep a secret about a certain boy I like?" Lucy dared to ask. Holly tried to not to squeal, but failed.

"I'm all ears." She bounced in her seat. "Of course I won't tell him anything." She made the zipped-lipped motion.

Lucy was worried that she wouldn't keep it a secret, but she needed to talk to someone and since Holly was the only person who was the least likely to tell him...

"Well..." Lucy began. "IknowIreallyshoudn'tbutIkindasortafancyLockwood." She rushed, hoping Holly understood what she had said.

Holly was silent. I KNEW IT!!!!! She fought not to scream at the top of her lungs.

"My lips are sealed." She said after a long silence. Lucy's eyes started to water. I knew she liked him.

"Can I ask why?" Holly squeaked, trying to be quiet.


Lockwood suck into George's room and quickly closed the door. Lucy wasn't a light sleeper, but she want a heavy sleeper ether.

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