Finally getting the Time Turner

Start from the beginning

He had been glad that she insisted he take it because. . .

1996: The night before.

Al and James both lay on their camp beds in the cramped room knowing that each other were awake but not sure if they should say anything. Finally James sat up and Al copied him.

"What did Mum say? Are they coming to get us soon? Are they alright in the future?" he tried to make the last part a joke but you could hear the scared note in his voice. Though later he would have argued quite stubbornly if anyone tried to say he had been frightened.

Al moved and sat next to his big brother. "She just asked how everyone was and what we had been doing and everyone's reactions to our parents. She said that Kingsley was getting a time turner for them and as soon as she could get it they would be coming for us."

James nodded and admitted to his brother with a small blush "I wish I could have talked to her. I know I said I didn't want to but I kinda wish I could have." Al looked up at him with big green eyes. Then he smirked slightly and for a second you could see a bit of his maurader and Weasley ancestory shine through. He bounced to his feet. "Come on James lets go call Mum and Dad."

James looked confused. "Wha-?" But his question died quickly as Al grabed his wrist and dragged him out of the attic room.

They darted down the stairs and stopped at Bill's bedroom door. James looked at his brother confused. "You want to steal Victiore's cellphone to call Mum and Dad? We only know Dominque's phone number though and she probably isn't with them."

Al shrugged. "It's worth a try, isn't it? And it is not stealing-it's borrowing!" He opened the door quietly and snuck into his aunt and uncles room. James surprisingly hesitated then followed.

It was dark inside, of course, and just as cramped as Ron's room since Louis and Victiore slept in here with their parents. The two slunk over to their oldest Weasley cousin's bed and started to dearch around for the phone.

Finally James found it laying on Bill's old trunk next to Victiore and snatched it up. He shot Al a look and they moved towards the door. Then they crept down into the kitchen were Al took the phone from James and typed in Dom's number and handed it back to James.

After a few rings the phone was picked up and a deep groggy voice, slurred by sleep, said "Hullo?" James grinned.

"Dad!" he cried and immediately the voice became more alert. "James is that you? Wait let me get your mother up." They heard his voice again muffled and farther away this time.

"Ginny, James is on the phone." he whispered to the boys sleeping mum. They heard a creak and a thump. "Oww Gin calm down you didn't need to sit up so quickly."

They heard Ginny exclaim "Well if your head wasn't there Harry." And then there was a slight scuffling sound as though Ginny had just wrestled the phone from Harry's grasp. "Jamie? Is everything alright? Where are your brother and sister?" Then her motherly instincts came over her and she said "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

James laughed into the phone-that mischeivious laugh that always set their mother fuming-and answered "I couldnt sleep and I wanted to talk to you. Al and I took Victiore's phone to call you."

Harry was the one who then asked "Al's with you, were is Lily?"

Neither Potter boy noticed thier grandmother come in quietly and stay there in the doorway's shadows.

"Lily's up with Rosie asleep in mum's room." James answered. Then giving the small red haired and black haired boys heart attacks Molly stepped forward and said softly "I could go get Lily if you want to talk to her too."

The boys jumped ten feet in the air and swung around. "Oh it's just you grandma." sighed Al. She smiled at them. "Sorry if I scared you but I heard you in Bill's room and decided to come see what you were doing. Like I said I can get Lily if you would like."

Harry and Ginny were hesitant. They really wanted to hear their daughter's voice along with their sons but if she was asleep they would hate to wake her. And they told Molly so. "She wouldn't mind, I know it." James said confidently.

Molly decided that James was right and went quickly went to go get Lily. Up in her daughter's room she was quiet as she went to gently wake up the small seven year old. She paused for a second frozen staring at the little girl. A strange mixture of sadness and happiness over-whelmed her because Lily looked so much like Ginny had at that age. The long bright red hair, sweet adorable face, freckles splattered all over, the innocent, ignorant expression on her sleeping face when she believed everything that goes wrong can be solved by her daddy just like that. . .

Ginny used to be like that but now she understood that the world and all of it's troubles were more than her daddy could handle.

With a sigh Molly leaned down and layed a hand softly on the girl's arm. "Lily, dear, your parents are on the phone and would like to talk to you." Lily's brown eyes fluttered and she mumbled and stretched but didn't wake up. Molly smiled. "Come on sweety I'll carry you down." She picked her up and silently went down the stairs.

James and Al were giggling at something that one of their parents had said and looked up as she came in carrying their little sister. Lily had still been drowsy when Molly set her down in a chair next to James but perked up when she heard her parents voices. "Mummy! Daddy!" she squealed.

Molly moved back and let the small family talk together. It was about a half an hour before the kids started to yawn and Harry and Ginny heard. The concerned parent in them started talking and they said that they should cut the call and have the three go back to sleep. Al, Lily, and James argued at first then relented. After many "bye"s and "love you"s and "good night"s they hung up.

Molly promised to put the phone back for them and let the boys go to sleep then and there. Lily though hung back and looking sleepier than her brothers held up her arms and looked imploringly at her grandma.

Molly smiled and picked up the little girl.


Harry sighed as they finally came to the right floor and followed the Weasley's out and to Kingsley's office, thinking about his children the whole time. When they walked into the minister's office he immediately was tackled by his wife who grinned up at him excitedly. "He's got it!" she said brightly. "Hermione just has to set it to the right time and date and we can go get them."

Harry laughed at her childish radiant attitude and kissed her swiftly. Then Ginny pulled away glancing at her father and older brother. "Wait why are you here?" she asked bewildered.

Percy grinned at her. "What Harry gets the only enthusiastic greeting?" Ginny smiled taking the hint and hugged him and Arthur. "Well he is my husband you know."

Ron explained that Arthur and Percy just wanted to see them off as Harry went and shook hands with Kingsley. Then all conversations were cut off as Hermione cried "I got it!"

They looked at her wide-eyed. "What?"

"It is all set up! We can go get the kids!" A small cheer erupted from the grown men and women in the room. "Now Ron, Harry, Ginny come here and put this around your necks."

They all did as they were told and Hermione twisted the little hour glass. The four were just able to shoot smiles at the Minister and their brother and father before they diappeared in a flash of bright white light just like their children.

They landed hard in a pile of snow. Harry jumped to his feet and pulled Ginny to her's while brushing the snow out of her hair gently. Hermione and Ron clambered to their feet next to them.

"I guess we should have thought of bringing our cloaks right?" Ron grinned as they all shivered and huddled together for warmth.

Harry looked over at the lopsided house he loved so much. His heart leapt as he thought that his children were in there waiting for them. "Come on lets go get them." He wrapped an arm around Ginny waist and pulled his blue-lipped wife closer to him as they set off for her and Ron's childhood home.

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