The Truth

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(Y/N): (smiles at his remark) Wow that was...sweet?
Justin: (runs his fingers through his hair) too cheesy?
(Y/N): Yes, but its refreshing coming from you
Justin: (laughs) Right..(runs his hands up her sides and checks her out) look-
(Y/N): (rolls her eyes and mocks him) Sexy?...totally fuckable? I've gotten them both from you..
Justin: (looks in her eyes and smirks) I was actually gonna say you look beautiful... but I guess they work too
(Y/N): (blushes) Thanks
Justin: (nods and leads her down the stairs) Let's dance..
(Y/N): (looks at the grinding bodies around her) I-I don't know how
Justin: (chuckles) I know you were drunk..but we did grind before
(Y/N): (sighs as he turns her around) Justin..
Justin: (whispers in her ear) shh..just relax baby
(Y/N): (nods and lets him move her hips with his hands)
Justin: (feels her start to move with his member harden) fuck..(groans)
(Y/N): (keeps dancing and giggles)
Justin: (smirks) Sorry babe I'm all hard..unless you like it
(Y/N): (blushes but keeps dancing)
Justin: (chuckles) like it
(Y/N)'s POV
After about 45 minutes of dancing he led me off the floor to get some drinks... all alcoholic
He smirked and handed me a margarita flavored wine cooler
"I made sure we had a lot just for you princess." I took a sip of it and rolled my eyes but before I could respond Maejor ran up "Hey Justin some couple just broke into mom and dads room."
Justin looked at me unwilling to leave but I giggled and pushed him "Go"
He chuckled and planted a kiss on my cheek when he pulled away I saw his cocky smirk as he winked and disappeared with Maejor.
"Aww you and Justin are so cute together" I heard I mocking voice behind me "Excuse me?"
"Well you are dating..right?"
I fiddled with my drink "Umm no..."
"Ohh.." he walked closer making me walk back but his eyes locked with mine and he laughed "Your his slut."
I was mad, the most mad I'd been in a long time "I'm not his slut okay... who the fuck are you anyway?
He smirked at my reaction "Christopher I'm one of Justin's friends"
I rolled my eyes "So?"
"So...I was just wondering if he did it yet.."
My curiosity kept me from running away "Did what?" he shrugged
"Fucked you... he said he was gonna do it tonight so.."
"H-he said that?"
"Yeah he said that it was taking too long and he was gonna get you even if you liked it or not, a little harsh I would say-" I felt the tears in my eyes start to build I know that Justin wanted to have sex with me... but I couldn't imagine him hurting me in that way.."Your lying."
His eyes turned cold "Wait don't tell me you... like him" His chuckle was menacing "You think he wouldn't rape you? Your just another pretty piece of ass to him... just like Ari"
Through all the pain his words were causing and the tears that were now flowing down my face I stopped to think about his last three words...
Just like Ari..
He must have saw the confusion on my face "Aww your boyfriend didn't tell you.." I felt my knees start to weaken"Tell me what..?"
Justin's POV
"Damn we have to get padlocks next time." I heard Maejor chuckle "So seriously...what's with you and (Y/N)? I couldn't fight off the grin that formed on my lips every time I heard her name
"What's with me and (Y/N)?" I asked indifferently he chuckled "Whipped."
I grinned "I'm not whipped, it's just... this is the first time I've ever had fun with a girl without having sex with her.." We walked down the stairs "I mean about 50% of the time I am either trying to get her in bed or thinking about having sex with her but... the rest of the time it's just that I like being with her.." I trailed off thinking about her "She's cute and shy but still funny and incredibly sexy" he laughed a little before nodding "Soo your 50% whipped?"
I thought about it before nodding "Yeah I'm 50% whipped"
We made our way back down to the table where I left (Y/N) but she wasn't there..I looked around a little before my eyes caught Christopher's who was smirking at me.
"Where is she?" He laughed but stayed quiet I started to lose it
"Tell me before I knock that smirk off your face with my fist"
"I just told her the truth about you and she ran home like the little bitch she is-" My fist collided with his gut and he fell to his knees as I ran out
I knew exactly what he told her...
I felt the first feeling of loss that I have ever experienced..
I lost her.
There was no getting her back after this  

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