Get Comfortable

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(Y/N): (kisses back and wraps her arms around his neck)
Justin: (deepens the kiss)
(Y/N): (pulls away and looks at him)
Justin: (pulls her up and smirks)
(Y/N): (rolls her eyes) don't say it
Justin: (shrugs) okay I won't...
(Y/N):Good (starts watching the movie)
Justin: Your in love with me..
(Y/N): (pushes him) You wish
Justin: (laughs) Yeah I do..
(Y/N): (smiles and shakes her head) let's just... watch the movie
Justin: (nods) okay.. (puts his arm around her)
(Y/N): (sighs) Justin..
Justin: Get comfortable...I'm not moving
(Y/N): (rolls her eyes but rests her head on his shoulder)
Justin's POV
(Y/N) fell asleep about an hour into the movie, she was so incredibly beautiful and I could watch her sleep for hours....but not in a creepy way
I stroked her cheek and held her in my chest, not even watching the movie...
She was just...mesmerizing...
I liked everything about her
I sighed and scooped her up in my arms and started to climb the stairs to her room
(Y/N)'s POV
"Ugh (Y/N) wake up!"
I groaned and opened my eyes to see Demi's face "Okay I'm up"
I looked at my clock, 9:38 AM
I looked at the light streaming through the curtains
"How did I get up here?"
She giggled and shrugged 
" I guess Justin carried you up here.."
She walked over to my closet and started searching through it, she was still in the outfit she wore last night...
"What time did you get in?"
She smiled "like 5 minutes ago.."
I gasped but grinned "Demi!"
"It's not what you think..after dinner he took us to this cliff thing to see the city lights and we talked for like 2 hours and then we went to his apartment and I fell asleep on his couch.."
I rolled my eyes "Wow you really like him..."She sighed "You know that feeling when you just feel so comfortable with a guy?...It's like I've known him my whole life, I mean nothing's awkward and we can talk about anything, It felt... right when I was with him... you know?"
I felt my mind wander to all the times I've spent with Justin... Did I know?
"Anyway... we need to start to get ready for Justin's party"
I collapsed back into my pillow
"Dems the party isn't for another 9 hours... we have time."
She sighed and laid down next to me 
"Fine, but set an alarm... we have a waxing appointment at "
Regular POV
(Y/N): (walks out of the office) I'm gonna kill you!
Demi: (rolls her eyes) It wasn't that bad...
(Y/N): You didn't tell me it was gonna be a FULL body wax!
Demi: You've had your legs waxed already before... and your eyebrows look great
(Y/N): That's not the part I'm talking about....
Demi: (laughs) Ohhh you've never had..."down there" waxed?
(Y/N): (blushes) No...
Demi: (shrugs) Well there's a first time for everything...(giggles) Justin will like it (winks at her)
(Y/N): (gasps and pushes her but laughs) You know that's never gonna happen...
Demi: Whatever you say...
••••••••••••••••With Justin•••••••••••••••••••
Maejor: (walks into the house) Yo!
Justin: Hey man...did you get the stuff?
Maejor: Yup... tonight will be fun
Justin: (nods) definitely..
Maejor: I heard tonight's when your gonna nail (Y/L/N)
Justin: (furrows his eyebrows) Who told you that?
Maejor: All the guys are saying that your taking too long, if you don't get her tonight there gonna go for her..
Justin: (gets mad) I told you... I don't need to rush...
Maejor: Well It would be a hell of a birthday present
Justin: True... I guess

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