"I'm sorry...what is it my dear?" His words were still heavy with sarcasm. My anger was quickly igniting into something dangerous.

"Can you be serious for one damn second?"

"Just tell me what you want already? I have stuff to do..." stuff to do!?

"I hope that 'stuff' is more important then your mate."


"You know what...I knew not rejecting you was going to be a mistake I would later regret. I had really hoped you were different from the others, but clearly you are just as bad as Zack! I am so sick of your crap! Don't bother ever coming back here.." My thumb slid over the end button before he even had the chance to respond to my words.

"Cara..." turning back towards my desk, I dropped my phone onto the ground and dropped into my chair with a thud. Eloise remained standing by the door, worry and confusion written across her face like words in a book.

"Thank you for showing up. I'm sure your brother already explained the situation."

"Cara ,we need to talk about what I just heard?"

"There's nothing to talk about except the issue at hand." I growled. "What do you think we should do?"

"I really think we need to talk about what I just heard." She snapped forcing me to finally meet her gaze.

"How about...I don't want to talk about it!"

"He's your mate!"

"Who wants nothing but to mate with me! He doesn't care about my issues! He doesn't care that my pack is split! He doesn't care about what Titan did! He doesn't worry about what is happening to me or my pack! I don't want a mate like that! I'm not some thing that he is going to use to create some heirs for his pack! Either he sees me as his equal or he never sees me again!" By the end of my speech my lungs were struggling to bring in oxygen, and my cheeks were completely flushed. Eloise looked sick with worry from my out burst, and it was the reaction I expected. No one, not even Isadonna or Lucas, had known exactly how I felt about my situation with Tiberius. It was one of my deepest secrets.

"I'm sorry Cara...why...why haven't you told anyone about this?"

"Because," I sighed as I collapsed back into my chair, "My issues aren't important right now. I have a pack to protect, and the pack always comes first."

"Honey, your issues are always important. You can't run a pack if you aren't at full potential. A pack is only as good as it's Alpha."

"So then what's my pack? God, Eloise, I wish Trent was still here. He had everything running so smoothly and now...now I'm just waiting for another pack to attack us..."

"Your pack is fine. You are doing fine. No one is going to attack you. For one, you are the type of Alpha that anyone would follow. Two, I've got your back, and so does Eric and Tiberius, even if you two aren't on the same page right now. Stop trying to take on the world by yourself. That's what's different between you and your brother. Trent understood that sometimes you need to lean on others for help. You need to realize that too." Her point was solid. I've known for some times that I needed to lean on others, but I don't want to drag them down with me on the path I've started.


"No," she whispered, "I said that you need to lean on people, and the number one person should be your mate. If you don't want him to take you for granted, then tell him that. He is a very understanding man. Not to mention, a relationship goes both ways Cara. You can't just tell him to back off and not expect him to give you attitude. He can't be the only one to make changes, you have to be willing to give him stuff too."

"But what he wants, I can't give him. He wants to mate; the whole sha-bang."

"Give it to him then. I don't see the issue. Who wouldn't want sex with a man like that every day?"

"It's not about that," I growled, "I do want to be with him, Eloise. For the longest time, being with my mate was the only thing I really dreamed about."

"So what changed?"

"Trent's death. His and Hannah's death changed everything for me, and now putting myself first is the last thing I am allowed to do."

"That's not true...just because you are an Alpha-"

"It is so much more then that," I hissed, "You don't understand, and I wished you could.."

"Then tell me."

"I can't..."

"And why not? Cara...what is really going on here?".

"I can't Eloise. I wish I could...more then you realize, but-" My doors suddenly split in two as a shadowy figure rushed in. Fear and confusing stepping in, I let my shift begin, but it stopped before it even started. My eyes went wide as a large, familiar hand found its way to my neck, the pressure just enough to keep me from doing anything reckless. "Tib-"

"Keep your mouth shut!" He growled. I tried to struggle against his hold, but his golden eyes stopped me. My mate wasn't in control anymore. Something else was, and if I didn't stop his wolf soon, something even worse was going to come out to play.

Crawling at his hands, I struggled between breaths to talk him down, "Ti..beri...us..." his golden soulless eyes stared me down. I can feel my wolf beginning to stir, the life threatening situation calling out to her. The clock was counting down, and I was reaching my limit on my ability to stay in control.

Tiberius tightened his grip and a dark, animalistic snarl tears through his lips. The sound immediately caused the feeling of a slight tug at my consciousness.

"Never see you again...seriously!?" He snapped suddenly, "You really think I am just going to stand by and let you threaten me with rejection? Last time I checked, you are not the only Alpha between the two of us!" His growl only made his hand tighten. Knowing that shifting was no longer an option, I did the only thing that I could think of that would work on him, I whimpered. I puckered out my lips and thought of dead puppies knowing that it would cause my eyes to tear up. At first it didn't seem to work, but after a few minutes of pain filled whimpers the golden hues of Tiberius's eyes began to fade and his grip loosened. "I'm...I'm sorry Cara...but I can't do this with you any more."

"What do you-" My heart stopped.

A/N: mwhahahahahaha....cliffhanger!!! What did Tiberius do!?!?!?!?!?!?. I know this book doesn't have many readers, but I do want to thank everyone who had read and commented so far. You guys are amazing, and for those you have commented a dedication will be coming soon.

So important thing to know: Tiberius really is a sweet guy. He may have a little bit of a dirty mind, well a lot of one, but still very sweet. The next chapter will be a Tiberius and Cara chapter. I'm excited for it! I hope you all will enjoy the next chapter and the many others to come.

Dream big and smile bright

-Haven Stiel out.

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