A Partnership I Desire (Part 5)

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I don't understand why he's so upset at all. I reach out a hand and say, "Now Jack...it's nothing serious. James was the one who offered! But I was the one who accepted it...don't blame this on him." Jack turns himself around and glares at James who stares back. "You offered her a job partnership with you?!? I can't believe you James! Why are you using my wife?" James replies, "She's not your wife yet." This doesn't make the whole situation any better. Jack stomps back to his desk and flunks himself down into his leather office chair. He spins around a few times before settling into a relax position. "You should have told me Abelle, don't hide the truth away anymore from me okay? We're going to get married soon. In fact, tomorrow we're flying to Hong Kong to prepare for our wedding." I stood there shocked. Already? Jack doesn't even know how I feel for him; for some reason I felt like everything was being forced onto me. James's cellphone starts ringing in his pocket.

"Excuse me. I'll talk to you later coz." James takes the call with a bright smile and walks past me out of the room. We didn't make eye contact. "Abelle...do you realize what you've done?" I don't answer as Jack continues, "I know the news lately has been putting you and me in the gossip sections, but they are also revealing news that's not good for Chan Enterprises. I don't know if James had told you yet, but there's a rising rivalry in the business between him and another. Chan Teng has been really busy lately too, she's avoiding the public eye. Do not make things worse by hanging out with James. People have not forgotten the past, and it will ruin the Chans' reputation if you are not careful. It's best if you stay with me." It's best if you stay with me. Those were the words he said that made me tear up. Jack reaches out a hand and touches me lightly on the shoulders but I shook his hand off. I don't answer him as I take my purse and leave the room.

So I guess I can't go near him anymore huh? I stare lazily out the cafe window while sipping my berry smoothie. Today I'm in Hongkong with my mother, we're suppose to meet Jack's family today. "Abelle, pay attention to what I'm saying. I know you aren't listening to me." I turn my head to the side to look at Li Hua. She clears her throat and speaks, "I have a feeling you are upset over what's happening now but please bear with it. We'll visit the fancy cake shops to choose a wedding cake, then we have to phone some top catering services, also we need some photographers at the wedding to take shots of you and Jack also..." Her words go on and on but I have no feelings in what she's saying. This wedding....is not what I really want. I may be too scared to say it out loud to her now, it's probably already too late. They're all excited but me. "Mother," I cut in, "have you heard what's going on with the Chans?" Li Hua glares at me and makes a hand motion for me to be quiet. The cafe didn't really have alot of people. Outside stood 2 men in black suits; body guards that would watch over me and mother. "Do not say those words out loud," Li Hua hissed.

So she does know I guess. "Mother.....is it alright if I don't see James anymore?" My mother blinks. "What?" I play around with the straw in my cup. "Like.....Jack says I'm damaging the reputation of his aunt's. But I really like James alot mother. So..." Li Hua clicks her tongue at me. "Be an adult dear. Think about it. When you marry Jack, you will be like say 'cousins-in-law' to James. Our family will be related to theirs so you will get to see him again till then." That's not what I meant! Before I could correct her, a limo pulled up in front of the cafe. The Tings are here. Li Hua takes my smoothie cup and throws it in the trash can. We leave the cafe door with its bells ringing. The window rolls down from the limo in the passenger seats and I see Chan Peng eyeing me with a smile. "Very nice sandals, Abelle. Hello Li Hua!" Our body guards open the doors and I scoot in next to Jack. "Hey Abelle, how are you?"  I pretend that I don't hear his reply. Today Jack is decked out in a dark blue suit with a pinned rose on his chest. I'm wearing a yellow lace dress with my hair pinned in a sophisticated way. Yup, I'm suppose to be the bride-to-be. All the way through the busy streets of Hong Kong I hear my mother and Chan Peng chattering away.

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