The Ball (Part 2)

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"Smile!" I show out my pearly-whites as the camera takes shots of me. I'm posing in a floral dress with white wedges and flowers are decorated in my hair. A photo shoot for a late spring issue on "Cawaii" magazine. "Perfect! Take a break!" I let out a breath, glad that it was over. "You were so beautiful posing there!" Liu Fang exclaims. I hug her. "Thanks Liu, have you gotten a spot yet?" Her smile fades. "Well no, the last time I've been on the cover of a magazine was ages ago. I'm only inside the whole magazine, about a page long. Being a model, you have to compare with other glorifying beauties from other agencies. It's such a hassle." We walk past all the camera crew and sit in a quiet spot in the back of a work room. "Oh, I'm sorry Liu......they keep putting me on covers alot and I can't say no..." Liu laughs and waves a finger at me. "Oh quiet Abelle! You're amazing! People would want you on their front page..because you're beautiful and rich, and so nice---" "I am not beautiful!" I blurted out. Liu rolls her eyes and looks away. "Abelle you are, and don't defy that. Here I am talking to you...I know we're best friends since modeling school but seriously. I'm just a normal Chinese girl with straight hair and bangs, a too-skinny body, and a lack of makeup! I'm just as ordinary as any other model who doesn't have the fame like you."

I start to open my mouth in protest but Liu's cellphone rings and she picks up to answer it. "Hello, Liu Fang here?" She nods her head alot and then smiles. "Oh okay! Yeah sure! Bye bye!" She snaps her phone shut and puts it back into her jean's pocket. "Are you leaving?" "Yeah....a fashion designer wants me to help her model her fall fashion clothes." I grinned at her. "Oh that's great! You might end up on a fall fashion ad!" Liu laughs. "Yeah right, they just want me as a dummy model since I'm like so thin. I might need to fatten up a little. Later Abelle." Liu gets up and walks out of the room. I sighed. I didn't get to speak alot with Liu ever since we both started our career in modeling. I'm only more famous than her because my parents use to own a company that's now gone. I return to my dressing room and start removing the flower clips from my hair. I looked so depressed in the mirror, is it because I had alot to deal with today?

Well with Jack dropping me off and Liu leaving alot....I've been pretty much ignored. I stared in my Coach handbag and saw the invitation to the banquet Jack had given me. I had decided to go, but I felt alot like backing out. Am I afraid of going because I'll see alot of wealthy CEOs and their wives there? Maybe I'm worrying too much.

And the day of August 19 comes right by too fast. I'm back in my apartment speaking to mother on the telephone as she speaks rapidly. "Remember Abelle, don't forget to check your makeup and your posture at all times! This is a big deal! Show your manners properly and if one of those snobbish people say one shocking comment about you, give them a pleasant smile and say 'It was nice knowing you.' Trust me, I have seen many people there thinking they are all that. You were raised the right way as a strong young lady, don't let your father and me down." "I won't mother, believe me....messing up in front of hundreds of people in a banquet is definetly not good. Wait! You told father?" Mother pauses then goes on, "I told him you were invited to the banquet by a friend, he understood. The engagement wasn't revealed." I took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay mother, thank god. When father gets angry he becomes a really scary man. Jack's going to pick me up right?"

I hear mother chuckle on the other end. "Of course he is. He'll take you back to his mansion in preparations and then you're off! Ting Buo and Chan Peng were also invited to the banquet, but only Chan Peng is going....if you meet the Chans, acknowledge them polietly." I nodded my head to her voice. "Alright, mother I know. Anything else?" "Oh yes! Have you picked out something to wear to the banquet yet?" I scratched behind my neck. "Well not yet... was thinking of wearing that blue strapless dress I wore to a last fancy banquet with you and father. It's very formal and a nice shade of blue. Maybe some pearl earrings to go with it and I might pin up my hair with a clip." I hear mother cough on the other side. "Cough.* Such distaste! They call you a model for a reason, Abelle! No, no...have you forgotten? Banquets as important as this one calls for a longer skirt dress, more likely a ballgown! I knew you weren't prepared for this, so I have gotten a dress for you already. I sent it to the Ting's residence, when Jack picks you up and takes you there, you can change into that dress." I stood there agape.

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