Close Encounters (Part 4)

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I was sitting in my apartment one morning drinking a cup of coffee when my cell phone rang. "Hello, this is Abelle," I answered. "Hey Abelle, morning." I almost spilled my coffee on the floor when I heard his voice. "James! How'd you get my number?" I hear him laugh on the other end. "I asked for your contact information from your modeling agency. They obviously let me through since I'm know..." We both get quiet for a few minutes. James takes a deep breath. "So I just wanted to talk to you......we haven't had a close conversation like this in years." I set my coffee down on the kitchen counter. "What do you want to talk about?" I hear him shuffle on the other side. "I was wondering if you'd like to come.....have lunch with me at my place."I almost laughed out loud. He wanted to have lunch with me.......

"Sorry James, but I don't think I can do that. I'm suppose to have this meeting with a fashion designer in being her model for clothes--" "Oh.....I thought you would have time, guess being a model is busy." My heart aches as I hear his disappointment. "Actually James, the truth is that I don't think it's a good idea if I see you. The press may find out and Jack won't be very happy. Besides, I don't want to go back to see Chan Teng." I hear James laugh again. "No, no, not at my mother's home. I have my own little stay....a nice fancy apartment that overlooks the Huangpu River in Shanghai. It's a private skyscraper building that my mother gave to me on my 20th birthday. It has 200 floors,....but I only use like 4 of those floors. Each floor space is the size at least half a soccer field." "So you want me to go to Shanghai now? That's a three hour drive if there's traffic but..." I quickly found my agenda on a cluttered table. I opened its pages to today's date and found out I had the meeting with the fashion designer at 1:00pm, also at Shanghai.

"My meeting is also in Shanghai. It's at 1:00.....though now it's 9:55. I'll try to make it--" "I'm at your parking lot now....look out your window." I scrambled to my balcony and looked down. James was right there, waving his arm at me. "WHY DIDN'T YOU KNOCK ON MY DOOR?!?" I shouted into my phone. "Well I thought it would be funny if---" I hanged up on my cell and then ran to my bedroom. I had to find something appropriate to wear....oh James! Why did you have to be so sly now?!? I tie my hair up in a pony tail and wore a v-neck top and a white skirt under with black wedges. I then grabbed my Coach bag and slammed my apartment door shut.

James waited in the parking lot, there was also a bodyguard with him. I stopped walking and stared at the bodyguard who crossed his arms at me and frowned. James glances at him then smiles at me. "He won't be riding with us, I have my own ride. Qin is just going to drive behind us in his black SUV." Qin nods his head at me then walks to a parked SUV not far away. James leads me to his ride, a white Audi rs8, the newest model. He looked pleased when he saw my first impression. "You should really get your own vehicle Abelle, not that I mind driving you around to anywhere." He opens the door for me and I sit in comfortably. Once inside the car, James turns on the engine and we drive out of the parking lot smoothly with the black SUV following us. "Jack drives me around mostly in his Volkswagon." James laughs. "But it's much more fun in my ride, watch." James roars down the busy streets in the city. "Hey, are we even under speed limit!" James slows down for me. "Sorry Abelle,  wanted you to be more excited." I scowl at him. "Just watch your speed, James." "Yes mom." I slap his shoulder and he holds in another laugh.

He was playing around with me. I felt really happy inside, just like old days I guess. "Are you going to take over Chan Enterprises soon?" I asked, trying to change the subject. If what Liu told me was true of Chan Teng waiting for James to get married, then I may lose all hope of ever being in a relationship with James. He stares straight ahead on the highway, not saying a word. "James?" "Yeah I heard you okay? My mother is still in charge now, I don't think she'll ever back down. Heh, just like the Queen of England now." James had a tight smile on his face but I could sense him being nervous and annoyed by my question. We stay quiet for another 5 minutes, then James asks me a question. "Did Jack say anything bad about me?" I look outside at the moving buildings and people we were driving by. "No. Jack really cares for my feelings and safety." James nods his head and yawns. How did he feel about that? "I guess Chelsie feels the same for you, huh?" I laughed nervously. James grips the steering wheel tighter but I see his shoulders relax. "Chelsie cares for me alright, did you know I met Chelsie way before we were engaged?" The car ride to Shanghai becomes a long speech coming from James's mouth on and on about him and Chelsie. It seriously hurt me on the inside, but as the kind girl I am, I just smiles and nodded my head when he looked at me. If only I was that exciting to talk about for James.

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