~Chapter 16~

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Frank wasn't looking forward to this to say the least. He really didn't want to have to deal with proving that he was fit to own a neko. It was a simple mistake on both parts. The law was the law after all and he knew they had best intentions.

Gerard wasn't looking forward to any of this either. He had to wait longer to go home, answer questions about an experience he would really rather forget, and he still didn't get to really talk with Frank yet. He was tired and grumpy, but at the same time of wanting to pull his hair out, he wanted to cry.

Officer Urie dropped Frank off in a small office with a rather stern and intimidating looking lady. She had introduced herself as Ms. Martinez.

Frank could tell that this lady was indeed not messing around about the subject. On any other day Frank would take interest in her, not in a romantic or sexual way of course, but in a friendly way. She was different, you could feel the alternative radiating from her. Although Frank at the moment was just scared of her.

"Mr. Iero is it?" She asked and motioned for him to take a seat. She had actually pronounced his last name right, surprising.

Frank nodded and took a seat. He felt like a kid in the principal's office.

"Let's get one thing straight, I don't need to know the story from you. I've already heard it. I don't need to know that your sorry if you're one to blame yourself; saying sorry won't help.I need to know that you've learned from what had happened, it will not happen again, and you take the care of Gerard seriously. Understood?" She had jumped straight to it.

Frank gulped softly and nodded. Frank wasn't the friendliest looking guy, nor was he all that much of a softie. Ms. Martinez scared hi though. Maybe it wasn't her as much as it was her power. She could rip Gerard away from him with a pen and a dotted line to sign on.

That was what really scared him.

Losing Gerard.

The whole process took hours to get through, but eventually it was over with. Frank was indeed deemed fit to won a neko. This information was much to his relief. 

At the end Ms. Martinez had broke character and asked for his autograph. Apparently she was a huge fan. That was how she knew his last name... 


Meanwhile, Officer Urie had taken Gerard into an interrogation room. It was protocol much to Gerard's dismay. The room terrified Gerard. He didn't like the emptiness, the camera in the corner, and the dull color of the room. 

Officer Urie was assuring though. He had insured Gerard that he was not in any kind of trouble. Gerard was uneasy, but he felt a little better. Then the questions had started. 

"Now Gerard, I need you to understand that it is very important that you are completely honest with us, okay?" Officer Urie spoke clear and seriously, but he wasn't scary serious. He was still kind. This was something Gerard appreciated. 

Gerard nodded. He understood the means of this situation. He didn't need to have it explained to him. 

"So first, I need you to talk me through everything you remember on how this happened," Officer Urie asked of him. 

Gerard nodded and gulped, beginning with losing Frank, and ending with the other in the room coming in to his rescue. 

After Gerard had finished he was close to tears. Officer Urie smiled softly at him and reached across and wiped away a tear from Gerard's face. 

"Almost done, I promise... you wanna take a break?" he said softly. 

Gerard nodded and sniffled. 

"Alright. come on..." Officer Urie said softly and stood up, and opened the door for Gerard. 

Gerard follower the officer out of the room, and they took a walk around. They had stopped somewhere along the way, and grabbed a couple of tissues for a few stray tears on Gerard's face.

 Once Gerard felt up to it again they went back into the room Gerard had grown to hate. He didn't know you could hate a room, but he had managed to do it. 

Officer Urie had asked him more specific questions about exactly what Cap had done at certain points in his story. Officer Urie was sure to get the details necessary to charge the guy. 

It was a huge relief for Gerard once it was over. It was emotionally straining to talk through it. From that point on, he could work towards forgetting it. He could really use a hug from Frank at the moment.

That was what he had gotten though, a hug from Frank.

Officer Urie had lead Gerard out to a more common area of the station where Frank was waiting for him. Gerard had ran toward Frank and immediately wrapped his arms around him and began sobbing into his chest. 

Frank rubbed Gerard back and quietly shushed him. Frank himself was tearing up a bit as well though. He couldn't help it. He could be an emotional guy sometimes despite his exterior. 

Gerard refused to leave Frank's side as they spent maybe another hour in the station. It was half out of affection and half out of fear of losing him again. They had a couple more things to sort out and the process for all of this took forever. 

Gerard and Frank didn't actually get home until around eleven o'clock that night. The two walked inside, hand in hand. 

"You hungry kitten?" Frank asked Gerard softly. 

Gerard shook his head a little, "I want hugs..." Gerard sounded like he was about to cry again. 

"Oh baby.. c'mere," Frank said softly and opened his arms and Gerard moved into them. 

Gerard hugged onto Frank with all of his strength. He had no intention of ever letting go of Frank. 

"I was scared you wouldn't find me... scared that I wouldn't see you again..." Gerard sniffled and buried his face into Frank's chest, his words becoming muffled. 

"I'll always come find you. I love you. You're my neko."

"I'll always count on you to come. I love you too. You're my owner."

-the end- 

My Owner, My Neko ~FrerardМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя