~Chapter 1~

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Frank had finally made it in the music industry. He had spent forever trying to get there and now he had made millions. He was off tour and not obsessively working on an album for the first time in what seemed like forever. He needed a break. Not that he didn't love music with all of his heart of course, he just needed a time where he didn't have to worry about it.

It was a chilly autumn afternoon when Frank realized just how lonely he was. He had spent so much time on music, and unlike Taylor Swift, no time on a relationship. He wasn't going to go out there and get a girlfriend though. He didn't have the effort. He also didn't trust that they wouldn't turn out to be a crazy stalker and there wasn't anyone he was already close to.

Maybe he needed a pet. He could use a dog or something. Although a dog would be a lot to take care of. A cat perhaps? No that still didn't seem right, he wasn't all that fond of your typical household cats. Most any other animal he could think of would be far too boring and wouldn't provide the companionship that he really wanted.

He sighed and flipped through the TV channels. He mindlessly went through multiple channels, staying on each for only a couple minutes. That was until he landed on some documentary, or perhaps it was a new report, he didn't quite pay much attention, on nekos.

The whoever was talking in the program had been saying they were a rare breed of a human-cat hybrid, costing thousands of dollars. It went into depth about how they were intended on being pets, although not always the case. Neko trafficking was a big deal and new laws were being enforced on it. They were sold off as sex slaves, abused, and beaten to keep in line.

A network of said traffickers had been caught and arrested recently, leaving about twenty mistreated nekos in a shelter in New York. They were now up for adoption, with background research and many restrictions one could be possessed. They had made the process for adopting a neko quite difficult and unethical for a lot of people, leaving the nekos practically helpless in the shelter.

Frank of course, had to look into this more. They all looked so adorable to him, and of course, he'd love to help one of the poor things. He pulled out his laptop and found the website to the shelter in New York. He was currently living in New Jersey so if this did work out he wouldn't have to drive all that far. He found out more about the application process and what all it would take. A $1,000 dollar fee, a background check, financial stability check, and a search of the house, along with a check-in on the neko after a year.

After looking around the website for around an hour he decided he was going to file an application. He found the online form and filled it out with his information. He was supposed to get an e-mail within the next few days about his eligibility and if he was eligible. They would do the background check, and the financial check before getting back to him. Two things he was pretty sure he'd get through easy. The financial check was in the bag, he was loaded now that he was a rock star, the background check may bring something up from his teen years, however he found that unlikely.

He submitted the form and decided to do further research on nekos. Looking up their behavior and such. He found a couple websites that basically said they were treated like human pets. They would usually have a set of rules, address their owner as such or master, and even as far as sleep in a cage. Frank however found some of that a little too far. Overall though he was excited that he might have his own little pet, but it was more than a pet. He wasn't quite sure, but his tough exterior was really just that and he was being a complete softy to the subject.


Gerard was a neko. He was a kitten, seventeen years old. For nekos you weren't considered an adult until you were twenty years old. This was because neko was a species originated in Japan and the Japanese legal age was twenty, so it stuck.

Gerard was part of this trafficking. He was bred specifically for his previous master, as a pet and not a slave. He had run away though on a day the door had been left open. He didn't know he was special. So he was soon kidnapped and brought into the system. Lucky this wasn't that long ago and he was only with the men for a month until they got caught.

In that month he was not sold and was kept in holding because he was not tame, at least around those men. He was scared and in unfamiliar surroundings, so he retaliated. He had been beaten out and attempted to be calmed, but he was too strong-willed to give up. For that month he had been heavily bruised and cut. A lot of the other nekos were scared and obedient or had given up far before him. He was the most roughed up of all the twenty in the shelter.

He was a beautiful neko otherwise. He had pale, almost completely white skin and black hair, ears, and tail that contrasted so elegantly. He had beautiful hazel-gold-brown eyes. His pupils were of those of a cat, and not a human, something that varied between breeds of nekos. With all the cuts and bruises however he was sure he would be adopted last, well until his injuries healed over. He knew that him and his fellow nekos were hard to adopt and they wouldn't pick the one that was all beat up.

He stayed curled up in his cage for most of the days he had been in the shelter. He was achy and too hurt to move. He watched a couple other nekos he was in with go. Patrick, his best friend in the place, had been the first to leave. He went with some guy named Pete. Pete had looked right over Gerard. Some of the nekos were trying to really put themselves out there to anyone who came by. Especially Ryan, he was like your grade A neko slut. He was gone though, some guy named Brendon.

Gerard remembered Brendon. He was a little hard to forget. Brendon was nice and spent about an hour there, petting most of us. He didn't pet Gerard in fear he'd touch a sensitive bruise but he said a few kind words. When Ryan had pounced his way into Brendon's lap you could see that Brendon had lit up a little. Gerard even remembered the first thing Brendon had said to Ryan, which was, "Do you like milk?"

Those were the only two that had left so far, but a lot of people came by. Gerard liked it when little kids came. He thought they were all so cute. He wanted to get up and play with them be he couldn't of course. That was just Gerard's day though.

My Owner, My Neko ~FrerardDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora