~Chapter 3~

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Gerard stuttered as he spoke and sat up on his knees slowly. He flinched slightly as he moved, his muscles still sore, but he was getting better. Frank sat down on the ground in front of him and gently pet Gerard's head.

Gerard felt a bubbly feeling in his chest that he hadn't had since the nights his past owner would pet him. He purred lowly and nuzzled his head up in Frank's hand with a smile placed upon his lips. He quickly decided that he'd trust this guy, plus they didn't let just anyone in here.

Frank gently pulled Gerard into his lap. Gerard was underweight and shorter than he was, so he was easy to lift. Gerard loved the warm and gentle touch of this man called Frank. He didn't get his hopes to high, this could be pity petting after all.

Frank didn't see it as that though. Sure Frank felt bad for the poor neko, but he liked this on. He was adorable and the light behind his battered eyes was still bright. He liked that he could still see it, even if his exterior wasn't in the best condition.

"How would you like to come home with me little guy?" he whispered after a while of petting Gerard.

Gerard's ears perked up and he smiled, "a-are you serious?!"

"mhmm," he smiled and continued to pet Gerard.

Gerard nodded eagerly and Frank picked him up bridal style. Gerard winced slightly and wiggled so it hurt less.

"You okay?" he asked with concern and worry that he hurt him.

Gerard only nodded in response. He wasn't much of a speaker when it came to being a pet. It was only a couple seconds of discomfort and it was to really be expected. He still had bruised bones and scraped up knees, he couldn't exactly be comfortable.

Frank carried Gerard back out to the front desk of the shelter and set Gerard down in a chair. He talked to the receptionist and filled out a page of paperwork.

He grinned and turned back to face Gerard, "Ready to go?" He asked the neko who had sat patiently in the chair.

Gerard smiled a little, not fully. When Gerard smiled fully it hurt his face. He nodded a couple times in excitement.

Frank walked over and picked Gerard back up in the same bridal style manner. Gerard laid his head against the chest of the human. He began to hear the beat of Frank's heart.

Gerard found the slightly quickened with excitement thump of Frank's heart to be almost hypnotizing.  He soon closed his eyes and relaxed in Frank's arms.

Frank couldn't help but smile as he walked out of the door, pushing it open with his back. He looked down at Gerard and pecked a light kiss to his forehead. God Frank was so excited and absolutely intrigued by the small neko curled up in his arms. 

Frank popped open his car door and gently set Gerard in the passenger seat and buckled him up. Gerard had opened his eyes back up and was smiling at the thought of finally having a home again. Gerard situated himself in the seat a little more comfortably as Frank closed the car door and walked around to the driver's side. Frank got in, buckled himself up, started the car, and pulled out of the car park. 

"So tell me about yourself Gee, can I call you Gee?" Frank was a little nervous and glanced over at Gerard. 

Gerard nodded with a wider smile, "Yeah, you can call me Gee," he thought the nickname he was given was cute. "What do you wanna know?"

"Anything you wanna tell me."

"welllll... I like music a lot, and comics as far as human-y stuff goes, I dunno how to read very well though. Other than that I like sleeping a lot, especially naps in the sunlight, and tv," he smiled. The tv was one of his favorite things. It was so many colors and lights to look at, he didn't understand how it worked but it entranced him. 

Frank chuckled a little and nodded, "What music do you like?" 

"I like Bowie, Blur, Smashing Pumpkins,  Morrisey... oh! and I like Pulp," he smiled, "What about you?"

"I like music too. I am a musician actually. I play like punk rock type stuff, you probably wouldn't like it."

"My other master used to play a lot from a band called Misfits. It was kinda scary, but I didn't hate it."

"Misfits is one of my favorite bands. I have a tattoo of their logo."

Gerard nodded a little in response. He liked this guy, so far, so good. They sat in silence for a short period of time until Gerard spoke quietly.

"Wh-what rules do I have..?" 

"Nothing out of the ordinary don't worry. Don't leave the house without me, I don't want you getting lost, lights out at 11:00pm, if I'm not home no answering the door and no picking up the phone, when I'm working, which is me in the studio basement making noise, don't interrupt unless it's absolutely urgent, no curse words, and lastly clean up after yourself if you get something out. That covers most of it, if anything else comes up I'll let you know," he smiled. 

Gerard nodded, simple and easy enough.  

"Break the rules and there will be punishments, good behavior will be rewarded though. I'll let you choose your rewards most of the time. Whether you want another hour to stay up or ice-cream before bed or whatever," Frank added. 

"P-punishments such as...?" he said quietly.

"A chore to do, time out, no tv for a while, stuff like that," he glanced at Gerard. 

Gerard nodded. He just didn't want to hear the word 'spankings'. He didn't want to be hit anymore. He couldn't take it, mentally or physically that was. 

"Any other questions you have?" Frank asked. 

"What do I address you as?"

"Frank is fine, but if you're more comfortable with something else I don't mind."

Gerard nodded, " 'kay I think that's it.."

"Alright, it's kinda a long drive back to my place. About forty-five  more minutes, I have CDs in the glove box if you wanna pick one out to put in."

Gerard knew how to work a CD player. He would watch his previous owner so that when he was gone he could put one in to listen to. Though often times he would only distract himself by the way it caught the light. He was a neko after all, he was easily amused. 

Gerard opened up the glove box and looked through some of the CDs. He came across Oceania by Smashing Pumpkins and smiled, pushing in the CD and playing the first track, "Quasar". 

Frank smiled, "I forgot I had this CD," he chuckled.

The CD played, the both of them mouthing and humming along to the psychedelic alternative rock music. 

My Owner, My Neko ~FrerardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora