My First Time... In Detention

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You were always a goodie, as some would call it. You were always getting good grades, were always home by curfew, and stayed out of trouble; not to mention, was a virgin. But everything changed when you got involved with those Bulletproof Boyscouts.
Even their name had trouble in it written all over it, and any group of guys that had their own tittle probably were not the best people for someone like you to be around. They weren't doing anything too terrible, but you knew they were just not the type of crowd you should be hanging out with.

You had been hanging utterly with them for a little while, but only because Park Jimin was a little... uum overly friendly and he always invited you to hang out with them. Not that you minded, to be honest you just didn't understand why he chose you. He hadn't made any real moves on you but just the way he looked at you sometimes...

But finally you were going to be alone with him and you were a little anxious about what was going to happen. He definitely seemed like the type to take what he wanted when he wanted it.

"Do you have detention too today?"
He asked you in the hall on the break between classes.

You had set off fireworks on campus with all of them yesterday, but for your own bad luck only you and Jimin were the ones to get caught.

You said, frowning at him.

"Great, see you there! "
He said and just disappeared in the crowded hallway.

You definitely had a little thing for him, but there was no way you were going to let him know. You may like him, but he still pissed you off most of the time. You didn't even understand understand what you saw in him yourself, you just weren't quite sure what it was.

That afternoon after school, he was waiting for you in the room he had told you that detention was held in. He claimed that he had gone there enough times that he could just give you directions and to not even bother trying to find it yourself.

You should have known better.

When you walked in, the lights were turned off with the only light coming in being through the drawn curtains and the lights from the hallways.
He was the only one in there, grinning at you, no teacher in sight.

"There you are"
You looked around,raising one eyebrow.
"Where's the teacher?" You asked.

He stood up, leaning against his desk, smirking.

"Detention is held on the other side of the school."

You scoffed, glaring at him.
"Why would you lie to me?!"

He slowly started making his way over to you.
"Oh, I think you know why... "

You swallowed hard, backing up against the wall.
" Yah Jimin-ah.."
He got right up to you, your lips only inches apart.

"I know you want me."
He said in the sexiest voice that you had ever heard come out of anyone's mouth. Those words made your heart skip a beat.

""You Shook your head slightly.
He leaned closer so you could feel his breath against your lips.
"You're a horrible liar. You know that right?"

You shat your eyes and swallowed hard, knowing that this was inevitable now but deep inside you knew that you truly wanted this, you were waiting for him to make the first move but instead he turned around and started walking back to his desk.

"Well if you really don't want it.."

You opened your eyes again, glaring at him.
"What?! "

He looked back at you smirking.

" You said no, and I don't want to force myself on you, so.. "
He just grinned. That little shit.

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