The Deathly Hallows

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PJ's point of view....

What's happening?
What's going on?
Where did everyone go?

I couldn't see anything, or anyone. I couldn't even see myself.
Suddenly a series of pictures flashed in my eyes and everything seemed clear to me.

I felt like I was floating as I tried to comprehend everything.
The cloak of invisibility,
The elder wand,
And the reservation stone.
Together they are the Deathly Hallows.
With all three of them you are powerful and unstoppable.

Everything froze and I started to see light.
"PJ....PJ......" The voice was familiar.
It sounded like.....(y/n).
She was calling out to me.

"PJ...PJ..." Her voice got louder and louder as the light got brighter.

Then everything went white....

Normal point of view...

"PJ!!!" You called out to him one last time.
Suddenly PJ's eyes went back to normal and he snapped out of his trance.

You exclaimed as you practically jumped onto him with a big hug.
"I-i know what all of these are."
You let go of him and looked at him with a confused look.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Asked Calvin.
Everyone turned their heads toward Calvin.
Everybody must have forgotten he was here, or he must have disappeared.

"Where were you?" You asked him.
"Oh uh...nowhere. But uh anyway...ya what's that supposed to mean PJ!?"
He replied.
Everyone just looked away from him with a weird expression and turned back to PJ.


When PJ finished explaining all of what happened an what he learned about the mysterious items from the chest everyone was amazed.

"So these are the Deathly Hallows and we are supposed to use them to defeat Greg?" Said Zoe.
PJ nodded.

"But.....won't we be....killing him?" You mumbled.
Calvin looked away from everybody, you could tell that worried him too.

"I don't know...I guess." Replied PJ.
"I-i don't think I cab do that." You stated.
Dan put a comforting arm around you.
"Its okay (y/n), you don't have to. PJ does." He said.
"What?! Why me?!" PJ exclaimed.
"Well the chest with the wand and junk only opened for you for a reason right? You must be the only 'worthy' one to use them." Dan explained.
"I can't handle that kind of pressure, knowing that I killed someone." PJ replied.

"Then don't kill him! Why does he have to be killed?!" Questioned Calvin.
"Because he is a bad person and there is no other way." Louise argued.
"But what if there is another way? One that we just don't know?" Calvin asked.
"Well I would like to see you find it then." Louise snapped.

"Hey! I don't know why all of you want to murder someone all of a sudden! Remember something, Greg was my friend an I don't want to see him dead."
Calvin exclaimed.
"Then why are you here?" Louise asked.
"Because even though I don't want him dead, he needs to be stopped." Calvin replied.

"Well the only way for him to be stopped is to have him dead." Simon chimed in.
Calvin's head snapped from Louise to Simon, Simon put his hand in the air with raised eyebrows.
"Hey in my defense, its true. No offense."

"No offense? NO OFFENSE?! I'm shocked. I really am. Look, I wanted to help so I can get an old friend back. But it looks like if I try helping then I'll end up having that old friend dead. I'm out." He said.

As he walked away from everybody the room went silent.
The faint sound of the door closing could be heard in the distance.

Nobody said a word for a few minutes.
Instead everyone stood there in shock of the words Calvin had said.

"Guys....maybe he's right." Zoe finally said.
"What? You really agree with him?" Exclaimed Joe.
"You know....I kind of agree with him too." Said Caspar.
" too, I didn't want anyone dead."
Said Phil.
"Same here man." Said Chris.
"I'm not a murderer." Said Tyler.

"Look I don't even know half of the stuff that's going on, but I surly don't want anyone dead." Said Ethan.
Everyone must have forgotten he was here also because a few people jumped in shock.

"I have to agree." Dan mumbled.
"What? All of you really think this? What way are we supposed to stop Greg?" Louise questioned.
"Maybe we can talk with him." Harry suggested.

"Talk with him? Harry that may have worked with you and Simon, but Greg is a psychopath." Louise replied.

"Maybe Harry has a point though. What if Calvin talked to Greg? Like Calvin said they used to be friends." You said.
"Ya this sounds like a good idea." Said Zoe.

"Does everyone else agree?" Dan asked the group.
Phil, PJ, Chris, Tyler, Ethan, Simon, Joe, and Zoe nodded.
Harry just sort of shrugged.
Louise sighed.
"Okay, fine. We'll get Calvin to talk to Greg."
Everyone cheered.
You could see the smile form on Louise's face, she seemed to realize that she made a good decision.

PJ put all of the stuff back into the chest, then closed it.
"I guess I won't be needing those anymore." He said.

Everyone nodded and headed out of the library.
Everyone ran down the halls to search for Calvin.
"Okay, we all should split up. Knowing how stubborn Calvin is he is probably hiding from us or something." Said Joe.

All of a sudden Zoe screamed.
You all jumped.
"ZOE!! WHAT'S WRONG?!" her brother asked.
He ran up to Zoe who was staring out an opening that led outside.
Joe froze in place when he saw what she saw.
"Guys....we don't need to split up anymore.....we found Calvin." He said slowly.
Everyone walked up to look outside.

You heard a few gasps.
You couldn't see anything, Phil and his tall self was in your way, and Caspar was on the other side of him blocking any other way you could see.

Caspar put his hand over his mouth in awe.
Joe rubbed his back, Caspar's innocent eyes widened.
Phil started shaking.
"Oh my god, I'm going to be sick." He mumbled.
"OH MY GOSH!!" Ethan exclaimed.
He backed up and walked to where he couldn't see it anymore.

"What? What is it??" You wined.
You pushed your way through.
You regretted wanting to see it so bad.
What you saw mentally scarred you.

Calvin was laying on the ground, covered in blood, eyes open, his neck and legs in an uncomfortable position they looked sickly broken.

He was dead.

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