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Weeks had been going by fast after all of that.
The drama was over and you finally were with Dan.
Harry had left Simon alone and they don't ever talk to each other.

Richie had dropped out of Hogwarts for some odd reason you didn't know.
Billie was her usual self caught up in her studies and avoiding conversations with people.
You only ever said hi to her when you occasionally see her in the hall.

Caspar and Joe went on their 2 year anniversary a few days ago.
They came back happy as ever, but whenever someone asked them what they did while they were gone their faces would turn red and they would just say something like "oh it was nothing interesting."

Tyler had gotten a boyfriend named Troye who was incredibly nice.

Everything just went by so fast.
Sometimes you wish you could stop and enjoy the moments before they go away and fade into memories.
But everything was going to perfect to risk messing anything up.

Winter break was coming up in a few days and everyone was excited and ready to go and see their family's.
But not you.
You ran away from your family.
Where are you supposed to go?
You could stay at Hogwarts, but you would be alone.

Louise and Zoe walked up to you.
"Hey (y/n)! Are you ready for winter break? Its the day after tomorrow! Everyone is going to have so much fun!" Exclaimed Zoe.

"" You mumbled.
"What's wrong?" Asked Louise.
"Nothing....its just that...I'm going to have to stay here." You replied.
"What?! Why?" Asked Zoe.
"I don't have a family to go back to. I ran away from my adopted family, they were horrible." You explained.

"Wow. That's deep. And sad, nobody deserves to miss out on family fun." Said Louise.
"Nah, it's okay. I mean, I'll probably be the only one here so its almost like I get the castle to myself!" You joked.
Nobody laughed.

"(Y/n), you should come with me and Joe for winter break." Suggested Zoe.
"No i can't do that. I don't want to ruin your family time." You said.
"You won't ruin anything! I insist you come with us!" She argued.
You stood there and thought about it for a moment.
I don't want to be a burden. But she insisted. I wonder what Joe would think.

"Okay, I'll go. But only because you insisted." You answered.
"I hope you do, I'm happy you have somewhere to go (y/n). I'm going to be with my family too we're going traveling."
Said Louise.
"Wow that sounds great!" You replied.

Dan walked up to You three, he was with Phil.
"Hey (y/n)." He said as he walked up to you and grabbed your hand in his.
"Hey babe." You replied with a smile.
"Awwwww." Louise, Zoe, and Phil said in unison.
"She calls you babe." Said Louise.
"Do you call her babe or baby back?" Zoe asked.
Dan blushed, "sometimes." He mumbled.
You giggled when they went "AWWWWW!!" together again, only this time louder.

When the five of you started walking down the halls together you suddenly heard someone caring your name.
"(Y/N)!!! (Y/N) WAIT!!" They called.
You turned around and saw none other then Calvin running towards your direction.
"Ugh. Let's just keep going." Said Dan.
"Agreed." You tried.
"(Y/N)! PLEASE!!" Calvin kept calling.

You signed and stopped.
You and your friends turned around to see Calvin coming to a stop in front of you.
"(Y/n), it's Greg....." He said as he tried to catch his breath.
"Oh ya? What about him? I thought you two were friends and didn't need me." You said.

"I know I said some stupid things....but you need to listen." He said.
You looked at your friends who were shaking their heads telling you you shouldn't waste your time in him.
You turned back to Calvin and saw the face of the friend you used to know.
You didn't see the hate you saw when he was insulting you that day.
You decided he deserved at least one chance.

"okay....I'll listen. But this better he quick." You said.
His face showed relief.
" I was with Greg in the hall and we were talking and doing our usual stuff. But all of a sudden he suggested I should follow him to the clock tower.
So I figured what bad could it do?
When we got there.
He pulled out a book and his wand.
And what he was some freaky shit."

You thought for a second then you realized what he was talking about.
"Black magic?" You asked.
"YES!!! EXACTLY. So I ran! I fucking ran as fast as I could. And here I am now."
"Wait...all of this happened just now?" You questioned.
"Ya. I don't know where he is but I hope he doesn't find me." He replied.

You signed.
"Well....I don't know what to do. Why did you come tell me about this?"
"Because you were the one who thought he was suspicious in the first place." He replied.
He showed Calvin his dark magic...
they must have became really good friends. You thought.

You focused back on Calvin.
The more you looked at him, the more you saw the fear in his eyes.
Fear and sadness.
He had trusted Greg.
Then he just decides to turn on him.
You felt bad.

"Okay....I'll talk to Greg about it."
You finally said.
He exclaimed.
"Then how am I supposed to talk to him about it if I cant mention your name!" You argued.
Calvin huffed.
"Please just don't." He pleaded.
"Ugh...okay I'll try not to. I'm going to have to come up with a good way of explaining it without mentioning you. That's gonna be hard." You sighed in frustration.

"YES THANK YOU!" He suddenly engulfed you into the bone crushing hug, wich was weird cuz he never seemed like the type to hug.

Dan grabbed Calvin's arms and pulled him off of you.
"Alright, that's enough." He said.
Calvin shook his head nervously as Dan gave him the stink eye.

"Alright let's go find Greg." You said.

(A/n): Sorry, this chapter came out later then expected. I had my phone taken away, I was bad. 😂
But I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

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