Starman >> 10th Doctor X Reader

Start from the beginning

But this time, when the pair of you landed on the largest moon of Saturn, and heard the vague sound of retching from somewhere within the console room of the TARDIS. Sharing a glance between the two of you, the pair of you advanced the opposite way to the door, and there, sitting with head between knees underneath the walking area, was a young boy with mop-like hair, with a pile of sick at his feet.

"I don't think we've met, I'm The Doctor," Doctor introduced, poking his head over the railing, looking at the young boy. "What are you doing in my TARDIS?" 

You interject, and swiftly, jump down to the same level where he is. "That's not what he meant to say, sorry, sometimes his mouth moves too fast for his brain to catch up, or the opposite." You put a hand on his shoulder, feeling the poor guy shaking. "What's your name ... erm, are you alright?"

He shakes his head, wiping his hand over his mouth. "I didn't - I was just trying to get away from them. I'm sorry I came in, it's just ... I'm David. David Jones." He offers you his hand, but it's the one which had wiped his mouth, and he put it back. 

"It's nice to meet you, David." You smile, and glancing up, you see Doctor moving down to see the stow-away he had just whisked away from 1959. "So, David, do you need anything, a drink of water?" you wonder. There's just something about this boy that makes you want to keep him safe, or at least, do your best to make sure he's okay. 

"You're not angry at me?" He frowns. "I -,"

You shake your head, but it's Doctor who speaks, having come down to see the boy close up. "So, David Jones, from England 1959. What's so special about you? What did you do to end up being here at this time, this place?" He asks him, squatting down, and squinting, taking in the sick and pale face of little David Jones. "You're about twelve, or thirteen, aren't you?" He asks.

David nods, eyes down. "Twelve, sir. Sorry, sir."

Doctor shakes his head, giving his big grin. "No need to call me sir, Jones. Just Doctor. So, you said you had to get away from them? Who were they?" You could tell from Doctor's voice that he was hoping that little David had seen an alien or something he really shouldn't have, but what came next 

David shook his head, "I was in a fight, with John and Kenneth Wilson. They took my tape, the one father brought home, with Mr. Elvis Presley on it. I think I broke his nose, and then John was chasing me, and I -," he took a deep breath, "I thought I could hide in here. "

You nod. "Did you get it?" Sensing his confusion, you add, "the tape. The one they took."

A small smile formed, along with an affirmative nod. But at that moment, there was a groan, and a thud and the TARDIS shook, and slowly settled. From your knowledge of being around the Doctor, and generally being off-planet, and around time and space, if anything made the little blue box sway where it was standing, it was a very not good thing at all.

Falling onto your bum, you cuss, "You didn't say Titan had fault lines, Doctor," you complain, glad that you didn't bash your head against the round things on the wall. 

He shook his head. "There aren't any fault likes on Titan."

David stilled. "What's Titan?"

But at this, you were up, and helping both the boys before you to their feet, and rushing to the screen to take in the external readings. It was a good thing that the pair of you didn't rush outside like you did often enough - from the screen, it said the temperatures outside were well below sub zero, and you had landed outside of a settlement, which if you were three metres to the left, would be situated inside of their life support systems. But from what you could see on the sonar, you were glad that you were not. 

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