“Like a ghost?” I questioned

“No, dear, not a ghost. Ghosts don’t exist. When someone dies, their energy stays in the ground or body for a time before it dissipates. I take that energy, which the energy of the dead always wants more energy, and I tie it to a person.” Ryan explained. “Gradually, they lose the power to function. Now a question for you. How did you remove the energy?”

I was prepared for this answer if he believed in ghost which I thought was the only way he would have been able to bind the ghosts to people. Apparently I was wrong and now I am clueless on how to answer the question. Stumbling for an answer, I replied. “I could sense the dark energy around the person and was able to pull it off.”

“That’s not enough information. Did you use an item? What was the spell you chanted?”

“Do demons even use spells?” I asked. This stopped the man and caused him to think about it. After a while he replied.

“Sometimes. It seems when they are doing powerful spells, they use an ancient language that I do not know.”

“So you thought your spell was powerful enough to force me to chant. Pffft. I only needed to grab and tear your spell with my bare hands.” My comment was received with a slap to the face. The force stung and brought tears to my eyes and I could feel the hand mark imprinted on my cheek.

“Don’t you dare lie to me! You didn’t even know that demons used spells. If you don’t tell me the truth, you will regret ever being born.” He threatened as a knock sounded on the door.” What!” He screamed obviously angry at being disrupted. “I’m busy!”

“Jade called. Told me to get you no matter what.” The traitor werewolf told Ryan.

“Fine, tell the rest of the werewolves that they can have fun with Midnight while I’m gone but don’t rape her, I plan to save that for later.” Ryan smiled devilishly as he left, my stomach clutching in fear.

“This place reeks of urine and fear.” The guy who tried to harass me in the car laughed. I started to think of him as a shark, circling me until he is ready for dinner. As Shark started to walk towards me, I realized I wasn’t bound anymore. I quickly shifted into my wolf form and growled at him. I wasn’t going down without a fight.

“You better be careful or she might bite you Derek.” Groinman commented sarcastically.

“Shut up Jimmy.” Derek growled at him. “At least I wasn’t elbowed in the balls.” This caused Jimmy to start growling at Derek.

“Wont you two stop arguing so we can get pay back?” The traitor ordered. The men agreed and all came at me at once.

In the beginning, I held my own. I felt my teeth sink into flesh and my claws tear at skin. I scraped at eyes, noses, and bare skin with my claws but I was no match for three grown werewolves. I ended up on the floor bruised and battered but the men were not done. They kicked me endlessly and their cruel laughter burned my ears. I tried to cover as much of my body by curing up into a small ball but it didn’t lessen or stop the pain from coming. Immense pain suddenly burst into my arm and I was positive I heard a breaking noise. I struggled to protect my injured left arm from anymore of a beating, suspecting that it might be broken. Eventually they stopped and just laughed at my pitiful self lying on the ground.

For the first time I didn’t wallow in self-pity instead I seethed in anger and frustration. I wanted these men to die a cruel and painful death. I was thinking about trying to tear their souls straight out of their body but before I could act, the leader called them off. The werewolves stalked out of the room, upset that their fun went by so quickly.

Between the kicks and beating, I noticed that the leader was only watching and not participating in the act. I was relieved he called them off but at the same time upset because I had really wanted to test out grabbing a living soul.

The leader came over with a cloth and two bottles in his hands. Too weak to move or resist, I just laid in my ball holding my left arm. He lifted my body up gently making sure he didn’t jar my left arm too much and leaned me against the wall. My arm was placed gently across my chest. It wasn’t twisted at any odd angle, it just hurt and didn’t feel right. He took the first bottle and soaked one side of the cloth in it. He slowly started to scrub my face with the water soaked cloth and worked his way down my body. He frowned when he reached my skirt but continued to work anyways. He then dabbed the cloth in the other bottle and put it on my cuts and scrapes. I hissed as the liquid stung my body. The leader then proceeded to take off the pissed stained sheets and leave. A few minutes later a pile of fabric was tossed at me and I was by myself once again.

I just sat there, staring at the pile of clothes, worrying that they might spontaneously combust into flames. After about five minutes with no fires happening, I pulled the clothes closer to my body with my boots. The pile consisted of a blue shirt, plain blue women underwear, and black sweatpants. I decided that these clothes were much better than the sweat and pissed odor ones I was currently wearing even if the new ones were a little big for me. I struggled into the clothes with the use of only one arm and caused myself some pain as I tried to put my left arm through the sleeve. It was also awkward pulling on the pants with one arm but since they were big, they slid on easily. I tied the strings on the sweat pants as tight as they could go and I was ready to run without my pants falling to my knees. My problem though, was the fact I didn’t have anywhere to run.

Each of the plans I thought of to ambush Ryan when he returned would fail miserably. Also my arm would only prohibit my success of winning the fight. There was nowhere to hide in this cell and the only way to beat the mage is if I surprised him.  While racking my brain, trying to figure out a plan, the cell door cracked slightly open.

After waiting for a few seconds, I cautiously made my way to the door on my one hand and knees. From the crack I saw that the TV was off and no one was on the couch. I couldn’t see the rest of the room so I relied on my hearing. No one was in the house. Carefully, I opened the door but it sill creaked causing me to jump out of my skin with fear. I stood absolutely still until I was sure no one was coming to investigate

Once the door was wide enough for me to slip through, I started my escape.

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