Chapter 21

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*Sorry it took so long. This chapter was so horrible to write and edit. If you ask anyone that knows me they will tell that since i was a little girl i was far from being lovey-dovey. Even my boyfriend now teases me because i can't always express how much I love him even though I would go through many lengths to do anything for him. So when writing this chapter and my boyfriend/editor critiquing it, i kind of lost confidence in writing this. But my boyfriend being as awesome as he is helped me through this chapter. The only reason this chapter is so good is because of my boyfriend. I love you, thank you so much for helping me these past years and always being there for me. Enjoy the story :)*

Lights danced around the tiny room from the many scented candles that filled it. Red petals were on the floor surrounding the single bed and the accompanying flowers were placed on the dresser, desk, and end tables. They ranged from all colors of red from a soft pink to a passionate red which were beautiful even if some of them were fake. There was even a box wine on the dresser placed neatly next to two plasticwine glasses and a box of assorted chocolate.  Love songs were playing from a CD player that was placed next to the dresser.  The music certainly set the mood; an embarrassing one.Alpha had deviously struck again and gotten us a small version of the honeymoon suite.

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks as my face turned a brilliant shade of red. My eyes were wide in surprise. I couldn’t believe that Alpha did this to me, why would he try to embarrass me like this?  I couldn’t decide between crying from frustration or calling up Alpha and cussing him out. A severe twitch developed over my right eye giving me a slightly crazed look.

Kasey, already in the room; was laughing hysterically at my reaction. He immediately became silent upon seeing the deathly glare I shot at him. He mumbled something about patrolling the place before I killed him he then hastily beat his retreat through the roof. Alpha had gone a tad too far on his practical joke this time. I was half an over anxious heartbeat from taking one step back and slamming the door closed. But before I could think of an excuse to find a new room; Kaden walked in behind me.

Surprisingly, Kaden was taking the situation pretty well. He paused for a fraction of a second; smirking as he shook his head. Walking in, he placed his suitcase on the far side of the room near the window. Taking another look around the room Kaden heaved a big sigh. I was kind of shocked at his reaction; it seemed like the room didn’t bother him a single bit.

“Are you going to stand in the doorway the entire night?” He asked, snapping me out of my daze. I quickly rolled my suitcase in and shut the door behind me, all the while using my long hair to hide my face. I just couldn’t look him directly in the face at the moment, I was way beyond embarrassed by all this.

“I’m guessing this is some practical joke from your Alpha?” Kaden pondered aloud as he walked into the bathroom.

“Probably.” I grumbled, not happy with this situation whatsoever. I was very close to punching a hole in the wall to vent my anger. Maybe I should call Kasey back and release my anger on him.

I finally located the CD player and turned off the music. As Kaden walked out of the bathroom he commented “I never did like that kind of music.”

 “I’m not the only …” I stopped as I turned around surprised by Kaden’s half naked body. He had changed into just a pair of basketball shorts and I had a new view of his handsome, strong chest.  I felt my face turn a darker shade of red.

“Well it’s late and we have an early morning meeting tomorrow so it would probably be best if we go to bed.” He suggested as he started to wipe the petals onto the floor and peel back the covers. As he got situated in bed he looked over to me as if he expected me to join.            

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