Chapter 5

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Welcome to the fifth chapter of my book! As you know my updates have been pretty scattered, but I have spring break coming up next week which means I should be able to write a lot and hopefully update on some sort of schedule. For now just enjoy!

The next day was pretty boring for the most part, expect I could not stop shaking because I find out whether or not I made mixed varsity and, or show choir today. I walk slowly into the choir room and start toward my seat. Mr. Adams stops me before I can go grab a chair. "Hey Ronni, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, sure." I reply.

"Okay, so regarding your audition...congrats! You will fill the spot in mixed and you are now in show choir!"

"Really, wow, thank you so much!"

"Alright, no you need to go down to the counselors' office and rearrange your schedule. When you're done, come back here and wait tell the bell rings."


I practically ran out of the, I am so excited! I'm in mixed varsity, I'm in mixed varsity!

After school, I jump in my car and race home to go tell mom the news before she leaves to go pick up Lilly.


"I'll give it back if you have sex with me." Matt shoots. We have been bickering for the past hour about my journal. "Okay." I reply. Matt raises his eyebrows, "Really?"

"No!" I yell, "Give it back there is some personal stuff in there that I wouldn't want someone to read."

"Oh, there's personal stuff in here that you don't want me to read," Matt mocks, "Well that certainly changes things."

"Knock it off and give it back!" I plead.

"No, because now, thanks to you, I know that there are some things in here that you wouldn't other people to know and that means I can control you."

"What do you mean you 'can control me'?"

"I mean that unless you do what I want, I'll put what is in here," Matt points to my journal, "on the internet where I have lots and lots of followers and so everyone will know your personal stuff."

I gasp, "You wouldn't."

Matt takes out his phone and shows me his Twitter, "Oh, but I would." Matt opens my journal to the last page and starts scanning. "Oh, now this is interesting," Matt starts typing, "So it turns out that the new girl, Ronni Wilson, has a little crush on Max."

My mouth falls open, "No I don't," I lower my voice, "I just said he was cute."

"Yeah but you see if I hit 'tweet' then the whole school will know, including Max who, by the way, won't think it's cute that you embarrassed him."

"I don't care," I retort, "do what you want."

As Matt is about to hit 'tweet' I yell, unintentionally, "Wait!" I sigh, "Okay, fine, what do you want?'

"I'll have to think about it." Matt smirks.


I push the doors of the choir room open and see absolutely nobody I know, besides Carter. I set my stuff down and I hear the doors open, I look over and...oh come on! Mathew Woods walks in. You have got to be kidding me. Well this explains the smugness yesterday.

"Alright class," Mr. Adams steps in front of the class, "grab a chair and place it around the piano." We do as instructed before he continues. "Now that our class is complete I am going to be announcing duet partners for the fall concert. These are based on your voice parts and ranges which were tested the a few days ago."

He grabs a sheet off the piano and starts going down the list. "Alright, we have Audrey and Jake, Krysta and Jeremy, Ronni and Matt," wait what? "Kayla and Wesley, Carter and Damien and Katie and Nick." Please tell me he did not just say Ronni and Matt. This could not get any worse. "Oh and since you guys are good heights for each other, these will be your partners for choreography and if you both are in show choir, like Ronni and Matt or Krysta and Jeremy, then you'll stick with the same partners to avoid having to switch for combined numbers." Spoke too soon. "Okay, let's start figuring out placing."

After class, Matt catches up with me. "Hey, congrats on getting into mixed." He says. "Oh, thanks." I reply. "So it looks like we'll be spending plenty of time together, since were partners and everything." He smirks.

I snort, "Unfortunately."

"Hmm, I thought you would be more excited to spend with me."

I look at him, "Oh, get over yourself." I speed up. My God he's annoying!

Since I switched classes, I now have AP Bio sixth hour. Yay, new hour with new people! Note the sarcasm. I walk up to Mr. Calihagn's desk to see where I should sit. "Oh, hey Ronni, so you are in the third row, middle desk."


I walk toward the desk and set my stuff down before climbing onto the high spiny chair. The chair beside me moves and I look up to see...Matt. Just my luck, now that's three classes I have with him.


I open the doors to the choir room and set my bag down by the mirror that lines the front of the room. I grab my black and pick tennis shoes and replace my boots with them. I wait by the mirror until I see Carter, Krysta and Audrey walk in. "Hey guys," I walk over to them. "Hey Ronni," they chorus. "You excited?" Krysta asks. "Yes, very." I answer.

"So do we just wait till Mr. Adams gets here?" I question.

"Probably." Audrey replies.

Mr. Adams walks in, "Okay everyone line up, shortest to tallest. Two lines, one boy, one girl. Except for those of you in mixed who already have a partner. Krysta and I go stand by the piano well everyone else gets their partners.

About a half an hour later, everyone has partners and Mr. Adams tells us to go find a place in the room with our partner. Matt and I find a place on the right side of the room. "Okay, we are doing trust exercises to today. You can choose who goes first but one of you is going to fall back and your partner has to catch you. Okay go." Matt grabs my shoulders and turns me so that my back is toward him. Guess I'm going first. "I swear, you better not let me hit the ground." I scold.

"Don't worry Princess, I got you." He replies.

"Okay, good. Ready?"


"Okay. Here goes nothing." Please God catch me. I lean back and land in Matt's arms. Every girls dream, except mine. "See, I told you." Matt pushes me back to a standing position. I turn toward him. "Okay, your turn."

"Alright, here we go." He turns around and starts to fall, I almost drop him because holy crap he's heavy, but I don't. "Oh look at that we did it; now get up before I actually drop you." He laughs. Apparently my struggling is funny. Mr. Adams has us regroup and says, "Okay, I think we're done for today, but normally rehearsals will be about two hours. Throughout the week you will be measured for your consumes and next week we will start learning one of the dances for the Fall Concert. You are dismissed, see you next week." I pick up my stuff by the mirror, not bothering to change back into my boots and head out to my Jeep.

I hope you guys are enjoying my story and I hope you continue to read it! Don't forget to comment, I want to hear your feedback, and vote! Until next time, Lexie out

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