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Copyright (c) 2016, by XXwolfie_girlXX


       Walking out of that funeral home I felt numb. Like none of this was real. My dad didn't just die; we're not on our way to the burial and were most definitely not moving to New York in three weeks. It all happened so fast and now it's just a big blur. Mom waking me up at 2:05 a.m. to tell me dad had, what she suspects was, a heart attack. The sound of the ambulance as it pulled into our driveway. The smell of the hospital and the doctors coming into the waiting room to tell us that they did everything they could. I just...I can't believe this is happening. I mean I know these kinds of things happen, but I guess I never thought that it could happen to me.

The Boy Next Door (Rewriting-read description)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя