Chapter 4 - Ecstasy

Start from the beginning

“No, but I’m still a girl magnet.”

“Oh, suck it up, jerk.” I replied, putting an end to our conversation.

We had a good laugh afterwards but that mood just dissipated and the remaining minutes were just absolute silence. We finally arrived at Francine’s house. It was pretty huge, displaying the wealth that her family probably had. It was a two-story white house with a huge garden at the front and a swimming pool at the back. I was awe-struck.

“If you’re finished admiring her house, let’s go in and admire some ladies.” Justin said, once again throwing me off guard.

I just shot him a look as he got out of the car. I replicated his action and we walked together to the party I felt unsure about.

Once again, fear struck me. Would I get to know people? What if Justin tries to leave me and I’m left alone in a party with sexualyl-hyped teenagers? What if Francine’s boyfriend sees me and pushes me off the pool and starts to drown me, saying that I just “fell in”? Oh, god. My insecurities are the one that’s going to kill me.

We arrived at her front door and Justin rang the doorbell. You can hear the party music blasting through the walls of her house. Good thing the neighbors aren’t complaining about it. Maybe it’s just normal in this neighborhood to throw a party, since they're rich and all?

Francine opened the door and smiled at us.

“Hi, Justin. It’s so nice of you that you can come.”

She hugged him and shot me a look afterwards, “And you too, Pablo.”

“It’s Lorenz.” I corrected her and Justin laughed at the slight, stereotypical name that she based off of my race.

“Oh, yeah. Right. Come on in.” she said as she turned around. I noticed that she rolled her eyes as well.

“Bitch.” I said under my breath as Justin and I followed her. If the outside of her house was beautiful, the inside was just as elegant. I feel bad for her parents that she decided to throw a party in a house like this. Everything looked expensive, from the pots around the house to the painting and Chinaware that hung from the walls. I was carefully observing my surroundings and as I came back to my senses, Justin was nowhere to be found. I knew it. I made my way through the crowd as I was trying to look for him. After 10 minutes, I finally gave up and decided to have some fun. How bad can it be? I started walking to the counter where someone served drinks. Damn, this chick was rich as fuck.

“Hi! What can I get for you?” The hot, blonde girl said.

“What do you have?”

“I can give you a variety of cocktails. I can give you a ‘sex on the beach’.” She offered as she winked at me.

I grinned and said, “Sounds enticing. Sure.”

She mixed up the cocktail and served me a glass. I thanked her as I faced back, looking at the crowd of teenagers dancing. I was still curious about where Justin went.

While I was finishing my drink, a short silhouette stood beside me. I looked at the figure and saw Tanya. I felt uncomfortable around her, especially after that hug she gave me. She seriously gave me goose bumps, but I wasn’t rude enough to tell her to fuck off.

“Hey, Lorenz. Having fun?”


“Let’s have a shot.” She said as she offered me a shot glass. She probably drugged it or something. Raising her glass, she invited “Cheers, to your first day.”

She drank the shot and as she had her eyes closed, I pretended to drink the alcoholic beverage but I just threw it backwards, drenching some drunk girl behind me. I looked backward to apologize, but I saw her wiping her face and yelling cusses at me. She raised her hand to slap me, but I immediately ducked, causing her to slap Tanya behind me.

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