Paul looked at her, confused.

Suddenly, the lightning bolts struck thrice that day. Isabelle could hear the cackling in her mind, and gripped the seat tighter.

"Go away!!!" She hissed. Paul was getting more concerned.

"LEAVE!" Isabelle screamed. Everyone turned to look at her, murmuring, "Weirdo..." The voice in her head was getting stronger. The bolts were getting stronger. She was getting stronger.

"Isabelle!" Paul gaped at her, shaking her gently. "Is Belle taking over again?"

That touch managed to calm the bolts, but with one more push, Isabelle sank. Her eyelids drooped, but soon it snapped back open.

'Isabelle' cracked her neck. "Ah.. I never felt this relaxed." She sighed.

"Belle..." Paul glanced at her, gulping. 'Isabelle' turned to him. Her mismatched eyes glinted with mischief. "Hi...Paul."

"Belle..." Paul repeated, leering backwards.

Flashing a grin, 'Isabelle' beamed. "Oh, you know me. I heard about you from Isabelle. Nice to meet you."

Paul stared at her. Silence. Two minutes past. He was still silent. Finally, he broke it. "Please don't hurt me." He stammered.

"Oh? Isabelle told you about me? Hah, that girl..." She purred in Paul's ear. He cringed, ducking.

Belle's purple eyes glinted when the sunlight shown down on it.

The bus dinged, and the rest of the classmates flooded of the bus. Paul had no hesitation to be the first to run off, whispering. "There's a demon beside me!"

Belle laughed. What joy to be a human! She teased Isabelle. She could hear the slamming of fists against her skull, Isabelle throwing a tantrum.

She walked off the bus, humming. Spring in her step, she headed towards the school. No one noticed her eyes, how her head twitched slightly. No one cared.

Belle reached school. Paul was already in his class. She recognized the seat beside him as Isabelle's seat, and sat on it.

"Hi." She grinned at him. Paul breathed, turning away. Belle loved the way his veins pulsed. She licked her lips.

"You're going to be delicious." She smirked.

*Slight time SKIP!*

Belle walked out of the classroom, growling slightly under her breath. She had sat in a boring lesson for 3hrs straight, and boy, was she annoyed.

"Time for lunch." She sneered. She saw a girl by the canteen table, hanging out with a bunch of other females.

A few seconds later, they burst out in giggles. But as Belle stepped into the cafeteria, they stopped, staring at her like a caged animal.

Belle's purple eye flashed. "I wasn't going to target you, but too bad." She heard Isabelle shriek in her mind, but she whispered, "Relax. You hate them, anyway."

She walked towards them, waving. The girls scooted away from her. One, a blonde with a purple extension, glared at her.

"No one invited you to our table, Ms Color Eyes."

Belle smiled. The fangs threatened to sprout. "Hey, Ms Fake-Hair."

The blonde narrowed her eyes. "What did you just CALL ME?" She shrieks, the pitch of her voice rising. She lunged at Belle.

Belle giggled to herself. Blondie had just presented herself to her on a silver lil' plate.

"Die, you..." Before the blonde could even finish her curse, Belle grabbed her ponytail and slammed her onto the table.

"DAMN!" The whole school watched, some nearby backing away. "Jessy!" The brunette shrieked.

Jessy groaned, trying to stand, but Belle kicked her at the guts and Jessy fell limply the other way. Belle beamed, grabbing her by her hair again and dragging her off the table, where a trail of blood was left behind.

The brunette could only watch her friend as Belle grabbed her by the chin. "Oh Jessy...I don't know you. But I know Isabelle hates you. So don't remember me...hehe...remember her..." She snarled, hissing.

Jessy gave another whine with a slam to her head toward the marble floor. "You dead yet?" She murmured.

Belle let go of Jessy's hair. "Crawl away now, pet." She giggled as Jessy crashed to the floor.

"Bye bye now." Belle smiled.

Suddenly, Paul's voice ran out, "Oh my god, Belle, what have you done?!" The school whispered to each other, but loud enough for everybody else to hear: "Belle...? Isn't that Isabelle from fifth grade? Is that her twin?"

Belle snickered. "Nothing." Then, she fell to the floor.

"Belle! Don't you dare..." Belle raised her head, and Paul let out a "Oh no..."

Ocean blue innocent eyes stared back at the school. "I'm so sorry..." She whispered to herself.

"Isabelle..." Paul raced towards her. Before he could even reach her, the principal arrived.

"What's going on in here...Oh holy mother of god..." The principal gasped. Isabelle stood up. "I did it, Ms. Just take me away."

The principal regained her posture. "You juvenile! Come with me to the office! Johnny!" She said, looking at her assistant beside her. "Bring that poor girl to the hospital. Her skull must be cracked!"

As Isabelle was lead away, Paul gazed at her from afar. A voice in his mind whispered: "Lemme out!

He clenched his fists. "Go away, Patrick." He looked up and saw Isabelle's right eye flashed purple and his left twitched.

He knew this was not the last of Belle today. And if he was not careful, his own alter ego would come out too.


*WHOO! 😝 Pain is finished! 😀 I literally spent a few days just typing out these! Sorry if my chapters can't be completed instantly and comes out in parts, but I'm trying! 😅 HOPE YOU LIKED IT! 👌🏻 PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!! 😍

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