chapter 1

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Mard Geer was being banished. Banished for planning to kill the king and princess of Fiore and taking the throne. His long black hair was in a ponytail, and his face was pissed off. He shot a light skinned hand at King Jellal, pointing a finger right at him. “Just you wait Jellal, soon everything you have will be mine!” Mard Geer yelled at the dark blue haired king with a red birthmark on half his face. “We'll see Mars Geer. We'll see” Jellal said before the black hair wizard turned and walked into the forest. Now that this is taken care of, I can go to my daughter's ball, Jellal thought as he mounted his horse and ride off to the castle. After all, his daughter Lucy had just turned one year old, and Queen Erza had her son Prince Natsu, who was only three years older.
Five years later, Lucy was on her father's lap, while he was steering his horse down a stone path that lead to Queen Erza's Castle. They'd be staying here for the whole summer like the king and Queen discussed on Lucy's first birthday. Each year Jellal would bring his daughter to the queen's kingdom in hopes of their children eventually falling in love so the two kingdoms would unite. “Good day Queen Erza. Prince Natsu” King Jellal said as he bowed, Lucy doing the same. Queen Erza was a tall woman with long scarlet hair, while Prince Natsu was, of course, a child with short pink hair, onyx eyes, and light skin. Lucy herself had medium length blond hair and big brown doe eyes. All of a sudden, the two were pushed in front of the other. The second their eyes locked they knew… that they hated each other. Well, actually the two children didn't know what they felt, but they thought it was hate. And they still had to talk to each other. When the two children turned back to their parents, they were both silently told to go back to what they had to do. “Nice to meet you Princess Lucy” Natsu said glaring at her. “Nice to meet you too, Prince Natsu” Lucy said bowing. This is going to a long summer, Natsu thought.
Natsu and Lucy were now preteens. And they still hated each other. No one really knew why, but they just did. And Lucy was still a good fighter, but she didn't have as much fighting spirit as she did when she was younger. And today was no different. Lucy ran after Natsu, who was, of course, away from Lucy. But he was slower than usual because he was carrying Happy, a blue and white exeed. He only talked a bit, saying “Aye sir!”, “fishies”, and “Ahhhh! Scary Lucy monster!” since he was so young. “Come back here you chicken! I'll teach you not to call me a psycho!” Lucy called, starting to catch up. “Well why do you think I called you that! Your chasing me like a psycho!” Natsu called back, teaching his homemade tree fort. Although, it was still under construction and not well built yet. Before Lucy could reach the rope ladder, Natsu pulled it up so the blond haired princess couldn't reach him. “Fishies” Happy said in a kitten voice. “Your hungry now!” Natsu exclaimed. Meanwhile, Lucy was steaming, mad, ticked off. In a fit of rage, Lucy kicked one of the wooden support beams, breaking it. The whole fort came falling down. Luckily, Natsu grabbed Happy and jumped down right before the blond haired girl broke the fort. “Baka” Natsu groaned on the ground. They both ended up grounded for the whole summer and left with a broken arm. “Better luck next year” Erza said to Jellal before he left. “I hope so” the blue haired king said to himself.
Teens. That's what they were now, teens. But time had been kind to both the prince and princess. They had become smarter, stronger, and gained magical powers of their own. Natsu became known as Salamander the Fire Dragon Slayer and Lucy gained ten of twelve zodiac keys and some silver keys as a celestial wizard. Not to mention she became more beautiful, and Natsu became more handsome. Not in the other person's opinion of course. They still hated each other. But they now fought with card games, playful word banter, and glares. Lucy became more ladylike, while Natsu became, well, dense. Natsu was watching Sting, one of the castle's best guards, flirting with Lucy. “Are you jeeeeealous?” Happy asked in a taunting voice. “What! No!” Natsu exclaimed at his exeed. “Lucy, why don't you and Natsu take a carriage ride through the city?” Erza suggested. “Alright” Lucy said with a small smile, but Natsu could see it was a annoyed smile. A smile that said, annoy me and I'll kill you with a song in my heart! Giving his mother a small glare, Natsu groaned and forces himself into the carriage with Happy following behind him. “I think it'll go well, what about you?” Erza asked the blue haired king. As if on cue, the two parents immediately heard their children fighting. “We'll need a miracle to happen” Jellal stated. “Agreed” Erza said.
Lucy and Natsu were being pushed towards the ballroom by their parents. Eighteen year old Lucy was in her most beautiful ball gown, while twenty-one year old Natsu was in his best suit. “Please don't make me!” Natsu said to Happy. “If you don't do this you'll have to face your Mom! Would you rather face Lucy or your Mom?” Happy told Natsu. Natsu had to think about this. Lucy could be pretty scary and brutal. One of the most brutal people he knew. On the other hand was his mother... “Lucy's definitely less scary” Natsu stated before he was pushed out a door and into the ballroom where Lucy was. They both expected to see nothing but hate I'm the other person's eyes. But the second their eyes met, the world stopped. Their knees shook, hearts beat faster, and they couldn't look away. What the heck is wrong with me?, Natsu and Lucy thought. Then, Natsu smiled. I never noticed how handsome Natsu's smile is, Lucy thought as she walked towards Natsu. The pink haired dragon slayer unconsciously did the same, not really knowing what else to do. Taking a bow, both the prince and princess began to dance. They danced for who knows how long, unaware of the number of guest that have arrived. When the guest arrived,  they couldn't be more surprised. Especially King Jellal and Queen Erza, sure they hoped that the ball idea would work, but they didn't actually think it would. As the song ended, everyone's hearts stopped at the prince's words, “We should get married”. “What!” the whole room yelled in sync, including Lucy. “Wait a minute! You can't just say that, you have to have a reason” Lucy explained. “What reason?” Natsu asked. Lucy couldn't help but facepalm her forehead. I knew he was dense, but not this dense!, Lucy thought. “Well, You have to be in love” Lucy further explained. “I thought we were” Natsu said surprised. He knew he was in love, but he didn't know about Lucy. “Really? What do you love about me then?” Lucy asked. “Well, ummm” Natsu started, waiting for an idea to come to mind. But it never came. Lucy sighed heart broken. “I thought so” she said, walking away. The next day, her father thought it would be best to go home. “No one can say we didn't try. Lucy, say good bye” Jellal said, he and Lucy outside their carriage. “Good bye Natsu” Lucy said before she and her father stepped into the carriage. Natsu looked sadly at the carriage that was leaving the castle. “You ok Natsu?” Happy asked. “Yeah, I just had time Happy” the dragon slayer told his exeed.
Lucy and her father were halfway to the ship that would take them home, night had just come upon them. “I told you, I needed to know if he truly loved me” Lucy explained for the fifteenth time. “From personal experience, I think the boy was just nervous. You did put him on the spot” Jellal said. Suddenly, the carriage was flipped over onto its side. Standing up, the blue haired king climbed out of the door to see what happened. Lucy sat up, clutching her head, and listening for her father. “It's you! What do you want!” Lucy heard her father call out to a voice before crying out in pain. “Dad! What's happening!” Lucy said, reaching for her celestial keys and climbing out to see her father on the ground, blood coming from a giant scratch. He appeared to unconscious, and losing too much blood. “Hold still princess” a dark voice said behind Lucy. The next thing she knew, she was being surrounded by light, pain coursing through her. The light was practically a beacon in the night, it could be seen for miles and miles. Meanwhile while, Natsu and Happy were playing chess. And Natsu had just lost his queen. “On come on! That's twice in one day!” Natsu growled at the game board. Their game was interrupted by a bright light. “Natsu, it looked close to where Lucy was” Happy said. “Then let's go see what it was” Natsu said as Happy picked him up and flew him towards the light. When they got there, all that remained were the carriage, and King Jellal, and Lucy's celestial keys. “Natsu” Happy said quietly, pointing at King Jellal, who was half awake. Natsu ran at the king's side. “What happened here?” Natsu asked, as he tried to stop the bleeding. “Natsu, I need you to look for Lucy, don't ever stop. And be prepared for the biggest fight is your life” Jellal said, closing his eyes. “What do you think happened to Lucy?” Happy asked, crying a little. “I don't know, but I'll find her if it's the last thing I do” Natsu said as he stated at the good and silver keys of the women he loved. Don't worry Lucy, I'll find you, Natsu thought determinedly. And he would, if it was the last thing he did in this life.

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