Eiza spotted her friend Lydia, talking to Scott and Malia at the end of the hallway. It seemed something important, something that is normally discussed on a pack meeting, so she ran there.

     "Hey guys," Eiza whispered arriving to the spot her friends where standing, positioning herself next to Malia. Lydia looked up and showed her a smile. "What were you talking about?"

     "Eiza," Scott said. He looked at her hand, which held a student ID. "You brought it. We were talking about Stiles..."

     Scott couldn't finish what he was saying, because Lydia took what Eiza was holding in her hand.

     "Jake Sullivan," Lydia said. "He has disappeared, hasn't he?" Lydia asked. Scott and Eiza nodded.

     Lydia took a minute to think, and then spoke again.

     "It's a relic," She said, looking at the ID card.

     "What's a relic?" Malia asked.

     "An object with a fixed association to the past. Jake's ID was left behind when he was taken. And Gwen found her sister's brazalet on her bedroom floor," Lydia explained.

     "How can someone be erased and still leave something behind?" Malia said.

     "A conservation of mass," Lydia clarified. Eiza didn't know much about physics, so she couldn't understand what she meant.

     "What do you mean?" Eiza asked, feeling confused.

     "The total mass of any isolated system remains constant," the strawberry blonde explained.

     "So, even the Ghost Riders have a weakness," Scott said, coming to a conclusion.

     "A relic would prove that Stiles existed," Malia said.

     Eiza looked at Lydia, then at Scott and Malia. They had to stop the Ghost Riders. They had to get Stiles back. And Eiza was going to find a relic to prove her theories right.

     "And maybe we can bring him back."

•  •  •

     "Are we really doing this?" Eiza asked while walking at a fast pace with Liam and Mason.

     "You heard Scott," Liam answered. "It's the only way we can keep them safe."

    "Ugh," Eiza muttered. They approached Nathan, since he was the first person they saw, and tried to convince him to go to Argent's bunker and not play the lacrosse match.

     "Is this a joke?" Nathan asked.

     "Does this seem like a joke to you?" Eiza said, looking at Nathan with a very serious expression. "I'm one of the most intelligent students in this school, you idiot. Do you really think that I would believe that bullshit if it was fake?"

     "No," Liam answered, trying to make Nathan reason. "Dude, you have to take this seriously. Once we are in the bunker, we'll be fine."

     "I'm not gonna miss the first game in the year so you can be captain," Nathan snapped.

     "There are supernatural forces of the nature trying to erase your soul!"

     Mason and Eiza looked at each other, not knowing what else to say to convince Nathan.

     "He was a man with a hat and a gun."

     "And he's coming back to shoot you in the head," Mason said.

     In this moment, Eiza gave up. She saw Sabrina and Corey in the background and went with them, the two boys following her.

•  •  •

     On her way to the bunker, Eiza's phone rung. Thank God that there was internet underground, because it was a call from Lydia, and she didn't want to miss what she had to say.

     "The Sheriff has found relics. Of Stiles," Lydia said, on the other side of the line.

     "Wait... What? I thought that he believed that Stiles didn't exist."

     "Why are we underground?" Gwen asked, distracting Eiza from the phone call.

     "Are you on the bunker?" Lydia asked.

     "Yeah, we are."

     "This is the way to the bunker," Eiza heard Hayden say.

     "I don't know how I still have internet," Eiza commented through her phone. "Wait... I have an idea."

     "What... Idea?"

     "When people are erased, they leave some things behind."

     "Yeah, that's why the Sheriff found some relics lying around his house."

     "Yeah but, have you tried checking internet?" Eiza asked, smiling to herself. She knew, very well actually, that nothing can be fully-deleted on the internet. "Lydia, I'm not saying that if you look up Stiles Stilinski, a photo of him will appear, but... If he was our friend... We should have his contact."

     "I've already checked. No phone contact named Stiles." Lydia said, freaking out a little bit.

     "I meant on Instagram," Eiza clarified. "When a user is deleted, it doesn't appear when you look it up on the search bar, but if he or she has commented on one of your photos, the comment and the user still reminds there."

     "Oh my God, Eiza, you're a genious."

     As soon as Lydia ended the call, she logged on Instagram, and saw the pic that she uploaded a few days ago, of herself wearing her normal glasses and a Star Wars t-shirt.

     Eiza scrolled down the comments and saw one user that didn't sound familiar to her.


     And in that moment, she knew.


     Stiles was real.

★  ✶  ★  ✶  ★

Sorry for not updating for a long time! This was the last filler, I promise! Baby Theo will appear on the next chapter.

Ghost Feelings ▸ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now