Chapter 30-Last Family Dinner

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Chapter 30

Loving His Demons

David's POV

December 24th

We arrive at outback and I turn off the ignition and we sit in silence. Wyatt looks over with a worried look and I smile at him reassuringly. He leans over slightly and kisses me. "It'll be okay" He whispers and I shake my head. "It won't because he'll say something but thank you" I say and kiss his forehead lovingly.

We both get out of the car and I grab Scarlette's car seat as he unbuckles Parker. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers and we start walking towards the building. I drop his hand and open the door and wait for him to walk through as I stare at his ass. I walk in after him and we find my family waiting for our table. My dad stands up and lets Wyatt sit and my brother scoffs and roll his eyes and mutters "Lazy ass" I start to advance towards him and my dad puts his hand on my chest and pushes me back looking at me sternly.

"Stop" He whispers into my ear. He takes Scarlette from me and sets her down gently next to Wyatt and tells him that we'll be back. "Move it. Go outside now" He says sternly and I roll my eyes and start walking which earns me a smack to the back of the head.

I whine and rub my head until we get outside. "I don't want any drama tonight David I'm serious" He says and I scowl. "I'm not the one who starts shit whenever we get together your son is so do me a favor and bitch at him not me."

"You may be 31 years old David but you better watch the way you talk to me boy. I expect you to be the mature one and not let him get to you. What he says is not that big of a deal so don't make it one" He says and I get angry.

"Not a big deal dad? The last time he said shit he caused me to go into a flashback which then cause me to choke my PREGNANT boyfriend so yeah it is a big deal and if anyone should be the more mature one it's the one who's older so you know what dad? Piss off" I yell and storm back into the restaurant . I see Wyatt frowning when he sees me but I ignore him and walk into the bathroom.

I walk over to the sink and grip the ends tightly. I take deep breaths trying to calm myself down. A few minutes later I feel hands on my back rubbing circles. I slowly relax at the feeling of my boyfriends calming touch.

He kisses the back of my neck and I completely relax into his touch.

He slowly turns me around and put his arms around my neck and that's when I break.

I wrap my arms around his waist tightly and start crying. "I know baby I know" He whispers into my ear running his fingers through the back of my head. I stop crying when I hear Adrian's voice. "Hey guys sorry to interrupt but I just wanted you to know that we are at our table now." He says and I keep my face hidden in Wyatt's neck.

I hear Wyatt talking to him but I can't make out the words he says. "Monkey?" Wyatt says while still running his fingers through my hair. "Hmmm?" I mumble into his neck and he giggles. "Are you ready to go sit at the table?" He asks and I pull back and kiss his forehead in a silent thank you and then nod my head.

He grabs my hand and we leave the bathroom and head to the table that I assume Adrian told him.

I find Parker and Scarlette at the table and Wyatt sits next to Scarlette in her high chair and I sit next to Wyatt. There is light conversations going on but I remain silent not wanting anything to start.

The waiter comes over and asks for our drinks and we all order and he brings out our drinks a few minutes later.

"What can I get you guys to eat?" He asks and William pipes up and says "I'll have a ribeye with garlic mashed and that guy right there will have nothing because he needs to lose weight obviously he is as big as a football field" He says while pointing at Wyatt. I tense when I see Wyatt's eyes fill with tears.

"William!" Zachary and My dad scold at the same time.

I grab Wyatt's hand and lean over slightly to Wyatt to whisper in his ear. "I'm so sorry button we shouldn't have come this is the last family dinner I will ever come to this is ridiculous. Please don't listen to him" I say. He nods his head and I see Zachary and William get up and leave after ordering food.

"Wyatt I'm so sorry I had no idea he'd act like that" My dad says and I scoff in anger. "You're joking right? He says something every fucking time we're here dad when will you understand that!? I'm done! I am no longer coming to these family dinners I am tired of him hurting me and my boyfriend so after today I'm done and no one in this family will be apart of our lives until he stops." I say angrily.

My chest is heaving up and down and my blood is boiling. Wyatt grabs my hand and puts it on his belly where I can feel my daughter kicking. Making me relax instantly.

"Please don't do this David" My dad says sadly and I shake my head. "It's clear to me which son you value you more and I'm done and I'm sorry." I say

Everyone becomes silent and the waiter stands there awkwardly and we order the rest of our food. Everyone is silent as we wait for our food. I lean over to Wyatt "Please eat I know what he said is getting to you but please eat if not for you then for our daughter okay?" I say and he nods his head.

Our food is brought out 15 minutes later and William and Zachary return and William has dried tears on his face and Zachary looks pissed. We begin eating and after we finished I ask Wyatt if he's ready to go and he nods his head.

We get up and he gets Parker as I grab Scarlette and put her back into her car seat. I throw money on the table and we leave before my dad can protest.

We walk out of the restaraunt and I put Scarlette in the back and Wyatt puts Parker in the back.

We get in the car and I sigh heavily. I put the car in Reverse and start the drive home.

When we get home I grab Scarlette and feed her a bottle as Wyatt goes to put Parker down. "DADDDDDD!" Parker yells. "Yes?" I question he gets on his tippy toes and pucker his lips. I lean down and give him a kiss and he heads off to bed.

I walk up the stairs with Scarlette in my arms and walk into her room and sit in the rocking chair and rock her to sleep. I gently take the bottle from her mouth and get up and set her down gently in her crib. I rub my finger gently across her cheek and smile slightly.

I walk out of her room shutting the door gently after making sure the monitor was on.

I walk into our room and shut the door and then lean my forehead against it sighing heavily my shoulder sag as I try not to cry again.

I feel a tug on my hand and I lean away from the door to see Wyatt smiling sadly at me. "Come on I ran us a bath so we can relax" He says and a smile tugs at my lips.

"I love you so much" I say and cup his face in my hands and kiss his lips. I rest my forehead against his and say a silent thank you to whoever it is that made this beautiful man walk into my life.

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