Chapter 18-Fights and Forgiveness

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Chapter 18
Loving His Demons
David's POV
September 6th

"I have a meeting today. What time is your appointment?" I ask Wyatt.

"Same time it's always at" he says rolling his eyes.

"Alright Mr. Sassy pants sorry for asking" I say

He sighs. "I'm sorry"

"Whatever you're always sorry. Just finish getting ready so we can go to your appointment" I say and leave the room.

I walk downstairs and go to Brayden's side of the house and knock on his bedroom door. He opens the door and I say "Do you think you guys can watch the kids while we're at his appointment? Parker is sick and I don't think we should bring them this time" I say and he nods his head

"Sure thing let us get dressed and we'll head out to the living room." He says and I nod and leave the room. I walk back into the living room and sit on the couch and wait for Wyatt to come down stairs

He walks down 5 minutes later and he looks around confused "Where are the kids?" he asks.

"Parker's sick I asked Brayden if he would watch them for us" I tell him

"Why would you do that? They are mine to take care of not yours!" He yells and I get up with my hands in surrender. "Then you can go get them ready. You clearly don't need my help. I'll be in the car when your ready to go to your appointment" I scoff and leave the house.

I unlock the car and get into the driver's seat. I take a deep breath and run my fingers through my hair. I take a deep breath and release it. Papa's dirty boy! I snap my eyes open at the voice. I look around fearfully. There's a knock on the door and I scream.

I look over and see it's Wyatt I reach over and unlock his door. He gets on and looks over at me worry etching his face. "Are you okay?" he asks me softly. "Fine" I mutter. I put the keys into the ignition and drive out of the driveway and head towards the hospital. "David? Are you sure your okay?" Wyatt asks.

"I'm fine stop worrying about me and worry about your kids" I say harshly. "David you know I didn't mean it like that" He says.

"But you did Wyatt you meant exactly what you said because if you didn't you wouldn't continue to say it. Their your kids I get it but I care about them just as much as you do. I get up in the middle of the night to change and feed Scarlette just as much as you do. I tuck Parker in at night and read him bed time stories just as much as you do. I care for them just as much as you do. I love them as if they were my own, I treat them as if they were my own and yet you are constantly saying 'They are mine' or 'They are my responsibility' and it's getting really old but if you want to act like that then fine I'll let you do all the work and take all the responsibility from now on" I say clenching my fists on the steering wheel.

"Well I'm sorry. I've been alone all my life" He says and I laugh bitterly. "And if you keep it up you're going to continue to be alone." I say and he gasps. "W-What?" He stutters.

"Nothing but I'm really tired of these excuses so when your done with them let me know" I say ending the conversation just as we pull up to the hospital. I take the keys out of the ignition and get out of the car and walk into the Hospital. I stand and wait for Wyatt by the elevators once he reaches me I push the up button and we wait to go on the elevator.

When we step onto the elevator I hit the 3rd floor and we wait in a tense silence while the Elevators go up the floors. Once the doors open we walk out and sign in and wait to be called by the someone.

"Wyatt Edley" The nurse calls and we get up and follow her until she shows us the room we will be in.

Wyatt sits where he's supposed to and I sit in the chair across from him. "Hey Wyatt how are you feeling?" The doctor says when he walks in and Wyatt shrugs. "Physically I'm good I have more energy than I did before" He tells the doctor and the doctor nods his head.

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