Chapter 19- Birthday

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A/N: I had edited this whole chapter but then Wattpad decided to deleted so If you see an mistakes let me know and I will fix them again.

Chapter 19
Loving His Demons
Wyatt's POV
September 19th (18 weeks pregnant)

I walk into Parker's room and gently shake him awake. "Hey Parker do you want to help me make Dad some breakfast for his birthday? He should be asleep for awhile because he came home late" I ask him. He nods his head and jumps up and gives me a hug and kiss and runs out of the room. I chuckle quietly and follow him to the kitchen.

He sits on the counter next to the stove and I get out all the ingrediants I need to make breakfast. "Daddy what are you gonna make dad?" Parker asks me and I kiss the top of his head. "I'm gonna make him Red Velvet Bread Pudding because that's his favorite" I tell him and he nods his head.

I preheat the oven to 350 and get the pan out to make the cake first. I grease the pan and put it to the side. I grab a mixing bowl and Parker helps me mix the sugar and butter together. After that I add the eggs in one at a time mixing the batter in between each egg. I leave that to the side a grab another small mixing bowl, I mix cocoa powder and the food coloring then I add that mixture into the bowl I just but aside.

I grab two more mixing bowls. In one I add the flour and the salt. I add buttermilk to the mixture I set aside then I add the flour and salt into the mixture. In the other bowl I took out I mix together the baking soda and vinegar and then add that into the mixture with all the other ingredients then Parker helps me mix that all together.

After everything is all mixed I pour the mixture into the pan tha I greased and set in the over and set the timer on for 20 minutes. While this is baking I tell Parker he can go play and he gets excited and rushed into his room. I go upstairs to check on Scarlette is almost 2 months and I can't believe hoe big she is getting. I'm also 18 weeks today and I have an appointment today to see what the gender of our baby is. I walk into our bedroom and see David sleeping on his stomach with the blankets only covering just above his waist. He has one arms under the pillow and his other arm is on the side. I walk to my side of the bed to where Scarlette's Bassinet is and I see her sleeping soundly so I walk out of the room and close the door quietly.

I walk back downstairs and into the kitchen and take the Cake out and set it on the counter. I walk to the Island in the middle of the kitchen and sit on it and wait for the cake to cool. David's phone starts ringing and I answer it.

"Hello?" I answer and the voice who I imeediatenly recognixe as Nick, David's dad says "David?"

"Oh no sir, David is sleeping I took his phone because he's sleeping, He came home late and I am trying to make him breakfast in bed so I don't want anything waking him up." I tell him.

"That's nice of you. How are you Wyatt?" He asks and my eyes widen "Me? Oh um I'm alright just excited for my appointment today" I tell him

"Oh really what's the appointment for?" He asks me.

"We get to find out if we are having a girl or a boy" I tell him with a big smile.

"That's cool! Well tell David I called when he wakes up okay?" he says and I tell him I would and we say our goodbye and I hang up.

I walkback over to the cake and cut into 1 inch squares and place them ona baking sheet and put them back in the oven for 10 minutes.

I start doing the dishes and after that is done I pull the cake out and set it back on the counter.

Parker walks in with some of his toys and sits on the floor and starts playing with them making me smile.

I grab a medium sized bowl and mix together Half and Half, eggs, egg yolk, salt and vanilla. After that is mixed I mix together the cream cheese and powdered sugar and I mix that until it is smooth.

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