Chapter 25- Lunch date

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Chapter 25

Loving His Demons

Wyatt's POV

December 2nd (28 weeks and 4 days)

"Hey button" David says lowly walking over to me and kissing me on the head. "Hi monkey" I reply while feeding Scarlette who just turned 5 months.

"So I uh.. I got a call from Zachary" He tells me and I look up signaling for him to continue. "He wants to meet on Monday at 3pm... Can you go with me?" He asks shakily making me frown. I grab a sleeping Scarlette and set her in her crib for her nap.

I walk over to David and wrap my arms around his neck and give him a hug. "Of Course I'll go with you babe" I murmur in his ear and he gives me a hug.

"God I love you and I don't deserve you" He says with emotions thick in his voice.

"I love you too and you do deserve me" I tell him and he shakes his head. I pull back and look him in the eyes

"Babe yes you do. You are a wonderful boyfriend and a great father. Sure you had some bad instances but you're going to get help which makes it okay. I love you, I'm so in love with you and I can't wait to hopefully spend the rest of my life with you." I tell him and he nods his head sniffling slightly.

"I'm so sorry" he mumbles into my shoulder.

"Stop apologizing" I say smacking the back of his head lightly. He pouts and I kiss his cheek and walk into the closet to get changed.

I throw on some clothes and look at the full length mirror in front of me. I caress my large belly and tears form in my eyes.

David comes over and wraps his arms around my waist and we stare at my bump in the mirror. "I know what you're thinking and its wrong" He says and I shake my head.

"I've gained so much weight" I say tearfully

"Babe you're supposed to gain weight that means our beautiful daughter is growing big and strong and healthy" He says and I get angry.

"You don't get it! You don't understand what its like to look in the mirror and see nothing but fat! My mind does nothing but scream at me about how fat I am I hate It!" I yell and punch his chest as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Shh It's okay Button" He whispers into my ear and squeezes me tighter.

"I hate being like this. I hate feeling this way. I just want to be happy. " I whisper into his chest and I feel him nod. "I know button I know" he says kissing the side of my head.

I sigh "we should go we have my appointment today" I tell him and he lets go of me grabbing my hand and we leave the our room and walk downstairs.

Sophie is here to babysit while we go to my appointment. I walk over to her and hug her tightly "Thank you" I tell her and kiss her cheek and she nods and smiles.

I give a kiss to Parker and Scarlette and then we leave and walk to David's car. He opens the door for me and I get in and buckle my seat belt just as David gets in the car. He puts the key in the ignition and pulls out of the driveway.

He drives to the hospital and I lay my head against the window and let my thoughts haunt me.

"button" David says softly snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over tears running down my face and he smiles sadly. He tilts my chin and kisses my lips softly.

"I love you sweetheart" he says and I nod "I love you too" I whimper and he hugs me. "I'm just so sad" I cry into the nape of his neck as he rubs my back.

After my crying session he pecks my lips again and we get out of the car and head into the hospital. We walk towards the elevator rubbing my bump we get into the elevator and go to the 3rd floor.

Loving His DemonsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant