Chapter 1 - Runaways'

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A/N: hey guys so I've started a new book and if you've read Maria & Katy's Journey, 'Lost Yet Found' or 'Found But Lost', maybe even 'The Lost Tragedy Children' and like their plots then you'll most likely really like this book, so hope you enjoy my first future tense action super hero book.

June -

I stood at the caverns entrance, watching, scanning, waiting, like I have been for the past few days. It's been two days since my older brother, Trey, stayed behind to hold off the Government Agents so we could get away to our safe place. He still hasn't met up with us at Safe Haven our secret cavern system. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Devan standing next to me, a grim, sad expression on his face. He said "We have to keep moving, you know their not far off our tail." I nodded, knowing full well that by know Trey would not be coming, although something in the back of my mind refuses to allow me to believe that he's not coming. I reply "I know." As I followed him into the last open split off cave mouth still open, I glanced towards the city one last time before Cassidy placed her hand on the cave wall and collapse the cave mouth behind us. Now all the caves that had split off from the main cavern are blocked off, their entrances collapsed. 

The Agents will have a harder time tracking us down. If Trey is still alive, hopefully he will find the clue I left for him, I pray that he is still alive and fighting. Maybe he will find the clue only he would ever be able to understand. I put a hand on the freshly fallen earth leaning my head against it for a second as I sighed. My little brother walked over to me and gripping my hand he said "How will Trey find us now Juney?" I knelt down infront of hi so we were eye level, I said "He will know where to go, he will find us, don't worry." I stood up and walked to the group head, everyone had solemn faces. It's going to be hard without my brother there to guide us, but we will adapt and support each other. I took a breath before I announced "Alright. The Government Agents are on our tail, and closing in. We can not let them find us, not anymore, I am not losing anyone else!" I ended and noticed determination spread over multiple face, some of us still drowning in sadness at the loss of Trey. I started walking in generating light for us to see, Micha held up the rear generating light as well. Cassidy leading us through the caves as she sensed the way one of her hands constantly brushing the cave wall. We continued our way down the cave's tunnel, on the run yet again.

We emerged from the cave system into the training field, where normally we would all train together to perfect and try to master our powers. Now we walk through the field trying to stay as quiet as possible. I turned to Mikayla and said "Can you give us a little cover with fog?" She thought for a second before replying "the field is rather large, I haven't made a fog cloud that thick or big before, but I'll try my best June." Everyone paused as Mikayla placed a hand to the ground and slowly raised it above her head, fog rising from the ground and matching her hands height. She then centered both her hands before outstretching her arms, and I could feel the fog cloud move and grow. She then relaxed and said "I'm not sure how long it'll last it's quite sunny today, we should start moving faster." I nodded agreeing with her I stated "Good, thank you Mikayla." I spoke up as I addressed the rest of the group "Alright, Cass you lead us to the terrain hardest to follow through, we need to distance ourselves from the Agents.

I motioned for Devan to walk with me, and he dropped to the back alongside me, matching my pace he said "What's troubling you?" I sighed replying "I'm not sure I can do this, take Trey's place as leader, I don't think I have it in me to be what the group needs." He rolled his eyes and said "You are June Lark, Sister of Trey Lark, and Ricky Lark, Trey always went to you for help, you were his guiding hand. I'm absolutely positive that you can lead this small group, I know you have it in you, you just have to believe in yourself." I let out a small laugh replying "you make having confidence and believing in one's self sound so easy, Dev." He put a hand on my shoulder and stated "Trust me, when I say I know you'll be a great leader." I sighed "Did the future tell you that, because the future can change based on the actions of the present." He chuckled giving me a slight hug as he said "Trust me June." I sighed, thinking, Do I really have what it takes to lead a group of young people with superpowers? If Trey can do it I can do it right, not, maybe I can lead, I'm not Trey that's for sure. He always made leading us through life or death situations look so easy, like he was always prepared. I just hope I have what it takes to keep us alive and surviving.

I walked back up to the front and matched Cassidy's pace questioning "Where are we headed?" She closed her eyes thinking. She stated "There's a river we can cross in about a mile and then the beginning of a larger mountian range then the one we're in, then it gets fuzzy sorry June." I shrugged replying "It's okay, you can keep me updated as we get closer, I do want to see if we can fine a small cave or divot in a mountian side we can camp out in. If not, the tree's have never failed us before." She smiled replying "I'll keep my senses open." I smiled back and said "Thank you, Cass." I looked back at the rest of the group, seeing their determined, innocent, confident faces, I relaxed. If They have faith in me, then maybe I am the right person to lead them. I turned back to the front, our path layered in fog. I gave Cassidy a look and she nodded. I called out "Keep tight, I don't want anyone getting lost in the fog, we're quickening the pace." With that Cassidy and I led the way as we set the pace from a brisk walk to a middle paced run, keeping in mind the younger of our group. I smiled thinking about the last time I saw Trey. Mumbling to myself as I ran "You're right Trey, thanks for giving me that final push, I will find you I promise, I know you're out there somewhere. I'm not going to give up on you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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