Wake Up

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There are many things that are fantastic, little things or huge life-altering fantasms. Like for example when you dream about your boyfriend waking up from his coma, or getting to skip school to stay at the hospital with him. It was weird, but Thursday I just felt as though I needed to be with him all day. Darry called the school as my guardian, because that's what he was now, and told them I had to stay home as I wasn't feeling well. Lies, I know, but it was so worth it.

Jason was in surgery early Thursday morning. They discovered what was wrong with his right leg and had to perform emergency surgery. He was still in a coma. They were sure now that he had fallen into the coma through head trauma.

On Wednesday night when I was still at the hospital, the doctors had spoken with his parents and told them the diagnosis of his leg. Most of the quadriceps of his right leg had died, along with the hamstring. This had something to do with the fact that he was diabetic. They said leg infarctions were rare and it was strange that it had happened to him because of his age. Although because he was diabetic, he had an increased chance of infarction than normal healthy people.

I was sitting in the waiting room when the doctor came out and told us that he was out of surgery and that we could visit him. I was the first one in his room. He was still in the coma, unfortunately, so I just sat there watching him, hoping he would wake up. He was having trouble breathing, so he had a nasal cannula. He looked pitiful.

His leg was wrapped up and a pillow was  underneath his thigh. His ankle was propped up to, as he had broken that as well. So I watched him, and then I got a crazy idea. I pulled the chair up closer to him, I brushed the hair out of his face, and gently stroked his forehead. "Please wake up." I leaned in and kissed him softly. "I need you."

Leaning back, I watched him. Yes, the Sleeping Beauty theory was way out there, but I had to try it. Nothing happened. He slept on, and I watched him. His parents came in to visit him for a while, Mrs. Storm broke down and started crying, so Mr. Storm escorted her out of the room. I felt really bad for them, their daughter was deployed in Afghanistan and their son was in a coma, who also just happened to be a expecting father. Talk about bad luck.

i took out my phone and pulled up the baby's heartbeats. I had been listening to them all night. Whenever I started to worry, I would listen to it. I didn't put any earbuds in, I wanted to play it for him too. I gently squeezed his hand, and watched him, wishing that he was awake.

His hand squeezed back. I looked at him, confused for a second. He was in a coma so he can't respond... Unless, he was waking up. I watched as Jason turned his head towards me and opened his. "Hey." His voice was gravelly from not speaking for a few days.

"Jason!" I hugged him gently. "I missed you."

He had a look of confusion on his face and tried sitting up. "Gabry..."

"No, no, stay down, you just had surgery." I said, and put my hands on his chest, gently pushing him back down. I turned off the heartbeats.

"What?" He put his hand to his nose, feeling the cannula. I knew I had to tell someone that he was awake now, but I wanted to wait for a few minutes.

"Do you remember anything that happened a few days ago?" I asked him.

"I remember falling down the stairs because my right leg lost feeling and I couldn't move my thigh... and then briefly being in an ambulance, but... that was a few days ago?"

I nodded. "You've been in a coma since Sunday. Dallas called the ambulance after you passed out."

He looked down at his leg, he could see the bandages that were covering his thigh. "What's wrong with my leg?"

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