Plastered All Over Youtube

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"You have talent, Miss Valentine. May we call you Cat?" One of the judges smiled.

"You may," Cat giggled, excited.

"We have many notes on your performance. It was fantastic, breathtaking, simply exquisite. I've never seen someone not using effects look so amazing. No lights, no special effects-but somehow, it was the best performance we've had. Your voice! I assume you've been in many school plays?" Matt asked, staring at Cat as if he couldn't quite believe she was real.

"Oh, yeah... As an extra." Cat mumbled the last bit, but Matt heard it and pulled an astonished face.

"Seriously?! Anyway, we were wondering..." Matt paused, then motioned for Cat to come. "Maybe we should take this to my office."

"'Kay, 'kay!" Cat replied and they strolled into his business-like office, very neat and tidy.

"Miss Valentine, we would love it if you'd sign a music contract with us. Your voice leaves an audience enraptured-you will sell really well. You appeal to all ages, you're an amazing singer. Would you pop by tomorrow with your legal guardians so they can give permission?"

Cat stared, dumbfounded. This was all happening so fast. She was an amazing singer, she could potentially become famous overnight. After a bit more chatting and arranging, she hurried off to find Tori. She found her chatting up some boys serving sandwiches in the cafe.

"Hi, Tori!" Cat beamed sunnily. "Ready to go?"

"I suppose," replied Tori wistfully. After making the 'call me' sign at the boys and winking, she sauntered out with Cat. "Hey, how'd your audition go? You took a while."

"Yeah, I know! Guess what? They want me to sign up with them and sing professionally!" Cat squealed noisily.

"W-what?" Tori asked. For a moment, she looked like she was going to hit Cat, who backed away, sharpish. But then, Tori's face crumpled and she burst into tears.

"Tori, what's wrong?" Cat asked, genuinely bewildered.

"Cat, I owe you an explanation," sniffled Tori, grabbing Cat's wrist. "C'mon."


They sat outside the toilets, on the cold stone steps. Cat was listening to Tori's explanation for her behaviour.

"Remember that day, the Snow White auditions where you fell out with me? Well, on Friday, my mum and dad had a huge argument. My dad left and he's still not back-"

Tears were sparkling in Tori's deep chocolate eyes, threatening to spill.

"-A-and I was angry. I mean, I was upset at first, but then I was angry. I needed to take it out on someone, and I remembered when you were acting funny at the auditions. And since you're a bit of a wimp-no offence-and can't fight back, I came over and just... Lost it."

Tori bit her lip, then continued.

"So, I thought if I could make my dad proud by getting the contract, maybe he'd come back. But I was thinking of him during my audition and I just ended up crying and screwing up..." Tori sighed heavily.

They sat in silence for a moment, pondering. Then-

"I can't believe you think I'm a wimp," said Cat, frowning.

"Are you serious?" Tori asked amusedly, before bursting out laughing. And it wasn't a mocking laugh, nor a pitying one- it was a proper, happy laugh, that echoed around the corridor. Cat joined in soon after, and for a moment, all was well with the world.


"Caterina Valentine! Come here right now!" Cat's mum yelled, and Cat furrowed her eyebrows. Had she done something wrong?

"What's wrong? I didn't put toast in the video player! I learnt the toaster does that now," Cat said hastily.

"No! Look, We Be Jammin' has your face plastered all across Youtube! Look, everyone loves you!" Cat's mum showed Cat her laptop screen, and sure enough, in Featured Videos was Cat singing on that stage.

Surprised that her mouth hadn't dropped open in shock, she turned to her mum, who was slightly pink.

"Mum? What's wrong? Are you OK?" Cat asked her gently.

"E-everyone does love you," smiled her mum, speaking so softly Cat could barely hear her. "But I love you most."

Cat stood in amazement for a moment, not sure how to react. She hadn't heard those three words escape her mum's mouth for years. At last, she just flung her arms around her mum and sobbed, half happy, half sad.

Everything was starting to run smoothly.


Hi guys! I'm sorry for not updating for a while, but here you go! Tori's revealed what the hair balls is happening, and Cat's practically famous! I've still got a few more chapters, mainly Cabbie and her first performance... There might be a sequel, Changed. What do you guys think? Yes or no? And what rating shall I give this story? I'm thinking PG because of the romance, or PG13? I can't decide. Help me out!

Dedicated to @ashleyleanneTW for getting the questions right, and a shoutout to @Hailey1107, who got it right second and is a new reader! ^.^

PS: All you silent readers, come out of the shadows and comment/vote. I don't bite! :)

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