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"Don't you think I'm just so hot?"

"You may be hot, but you'll never be as cool as me."

"Guys, quit it! Y'all just woke me up." I groaned as, once again, I woke to lava and water talking about how cool or hot they are. How annoying.

"Don't be rude! We're basically your parents, you know. Show some respect." lava chided.

Right. My parents. If you couldn't already tell, I came into being because of lava and water, which forms obsidian. They never let me forget that I came into existence because of them, they bring it up every time I try to tell them to keep quiet. Sighs, sometimes I just want to have a little peace and quiet, you know?

Oh, and if you're wondering, no, lava doesn't hurt me, nothing much does, really, since I'm one of the most durable blocks around. The player in this world has tried to mine me with an iron pickaxe before, which tickled, but gave up after realising he could only do it with a diamond pickaxe. So, no, even being mined doesn't hurt.

Anyway, I digress. Lava and water are just so so so annoying sometimes I wish I was just somewhere, anywhere, away from them. Oh well, nothing much I can—

"Obby! Be careful! Hide yourself!" water shouted, interrupting my thought.

"Oh my goodness! Yes, hide yourself! Save yourself, my son!" lava echoed.

What on earth are they talking about? Why don't I understand any of it?

Then, I saw the cause for their alarm. A player was coming in our direction. This time, with a diamond pickaxe.

"He must have gotten it recently and come back to kill us!" my obsidian neighbour, Freddy shrieked.

"Ooh yeah! I finally got my diamond pickaxe and I can now mine obsidian! I'm so excited to go to the nether!" the player whooped with joy.

He came over and started mining us. "One, two, three..."

I prayed that he would get enough obsidian before he reached me. As much as I said I disliked being near the always chattering water and lava, I realise now that I do not want to be separated from them, from the two substances that basically made me. Why did I think I wanted to be taken away from them? Now my wish might actually come true.

"Ah, here's the ninth one!" the player muttered as he started to mine me.

I braced myself for the pain that was sure to follow. But to my surprise, it wasn't painful at all! There was just a strange tickling sensation. Was he using the right pickaxe?

Pop! I was suddenly sucked into the player's inventory. I got my answer—he was using the right pickaxe. Lucky him.

I met 8 other obsidian blocks, including Freddy, that lived around me in his inventory and we nervously chattered about what he was going to do with us. We weren't sure what use we were to him, but we fervently hoped that we wouldn't be crafted into something else. We've heard so many horror stories about being squashed in with other blocks during crafting!

All of a sudden, one obsidian block disappeared. Soon after, everyone vanished one by one. What was going on?

Pop! I landed on top of Freddy, on a grass patch beside a huge house. Oh wow, is this the player's house? It is pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. The decorations are on point.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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