Secrets reveled

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There was a knock heard on the main door of the house. Caylspo went to open the door and when she did she was greeted with a hug. Natsu almost tackled her to the ground with his hug.
" how have you been cousin?"
" pretty good, how about you? You seem more mature...." Caylspo said skeptically
" I've been doing good and I'm not more mature" he said with a toothy grin.
Just to prove his words, when his brother Gajeel came threw the doorway he punched him in his gut.
" what was the for!?!?" Gajeel yelled angered
" just to prove to our dear cousin that I'm not mature" he said with his toothy grin.
Gajeel just rolled his eyes and stumbled over to the couch and lied down with a huff
Amaimon POV
" they are here brother, should we go and introduce ourselves?" i asked calmly
" why not?" Mephisto stated and started to walk out of the room
" I don't believe we have met, who might you be?" Asked a man with purple hair
" their names are Mephisto and Amaimon, Cobra" stated Caylspo as she calmly walked over
Eventually everyone started to come into the living room. All the Dragneel's and all of the Kiryu Kuran siblings. Many were chatting with one another while two people were in the corner. Those two people would be no other than Sting and Rouge themselves. Though it seemed that Mephisto and Amaimon were doing just fine with all the new people around.
Parents POV
" so you got raped by Satan, Zero?"
"Unfortunately I did, but at least I now have two healthy boys to look after" Zero stated
" two healthy boys that have learned the truth and are fine with it" added Kaname
Igneel looked at his friends solemnly. He wished he still had his mate here but unfortunately he didn't. His mate had died during a mission while Igneel was still carrying their youngest children, Sting and Rouge. Threw this time of despair, his friends Zero and Kaname had managed to keep him a float. They had helped him with taking care of his already existing children.
" don't relish on all those bad times right now Igneel" Kaname said to him, noticing his demeanor had changed.
" I try not to but it's still hard" Igneel sighed knowing it wasn't good for him.
" I know it's hard but you must try" Zero stated trying to comfort his friend.
" I've been meaning to ask this, but how is Caylspo doing with all of her recent issues?"
Zero sighed while Kaname answered Igneel's question
" she has been handling it as well as she can"
Natsu and Caylspo had managed to escape the crowd and go out by the pool.
" You know Gray really, and I mean really wants to be your mate Natsu" Caylspo teased
" I know I know, it's just I'm waiting for the right time" Natsu sighed out slightly daydreaming
" and on that topic how have you and your mate been Caylspo?" Natsu asked with concern in his voice
" he's been fine..." Caylspo said sadly without looking at Natsu
" how about your children?"
" they have been doing good as far as I know" Caylspo said with a slight smile on her face, laced with sadness
Natsu hugged her while she cried.
Caylspo has had it hard for the past couple of months. Her mate ran away with their children and haven't been seen by her since. Though he still sends her pictures and updates about their children. It still doesn't make the pain go away though.

Authors note~ ok so yeah, I finally got around to updating. Yay! Anyways I have no idea what my next chapter will be about. Who knows?!? Anyways that's all for now, bye! 😁
P.s. The picture is of the house, I couldn't find any picture I wanted to use to I used this one! 😬

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