Chapter 35: The Attack

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Alexandra's POV

I was training by myself when I saw a hawk land in front of me. I walked over to it and pulled the note off the left leg and read it. "You idiot Aaron," I said to myself. I dropped the sword and ran to Elliot's room. I pounded on the door.

"What is it Alex?" he asked.

"The guild is going to be attacked by the Spanish, raise the alarm. Also Aaron's three siblings are coming here for refuge, let them in," I said.

"What? How do you know this?" he asked.

"I do not have time to explain, but Aaron told me," I replied.

"I knew he was alive," he said.

"Good job, I need orders," I stated.

"Um," he replied.

"All men are useless," I said as I left. I heard the bells ring out and I found Christine and Alexander. "Christine you and Lynn stay in the infirmary, get my mother before you go. Alexander, Jared and his siblings are on their way get them and then get down there."

Alexander hugged me and then kissed my forehead. "Do not do anything stupid." I let out a short laugh and left. I met the rest of the men in the center of the guild.

"What is going on?" Joel asked.

"We are going to be attacked, those who can fight well on horseback get on one, grab weapons. I need sentries and archers on the walls surrounding the castle, if it is red shoot it. I also need a few apprentices to keep an eye out for those who become too injured to fight and take them into the infirmary," I replied. Everyone stayed still.

"You heard her! Move!" Cecil yelled and they all began to scramble.

"There are White Cloaks at the gate, they want to speak with who is in charge," someone came up and said.

"You have taken charge," Joel said to me. I nodded and went to the gates. I saw an older man standing in front of a rather large amount of people.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"We would like to help, neither of us want the Spanish here and as soon as we win we will go our separate ways," he replied. I looked at Cecil and he gave me a slight nod.

"You and your men take the south and east ends of the guild. Joel alert the sentries that the White Cloaks are fighting along side us," I said. He ran off to do what I said. "If you betray us we will slaughter you."

"I understand," he replied and then he turned to his men and began to shout orders. I went back into the guild to grab my weapons. I had to find a way to find Aaron and then I noticed the hawk still sitting in the same place. I got a horse and then went over to it. I attached a blank piece of paper to it and then sent it flying. I followed the hawk. I saw several men gather up behind me and we rode until the hawk disappeared into a tree. I stopped and jumped off my horse.

"Aaron!" I yelled. I heard rustling and then he jumped down in front of me. He then stood, blood covered whatever part of his outfit was not red. It also covered his blades. I could not help but notice the bags that were under his eyes, he needed rest.

"What the hell? I told you to not be reckless," he said.

"This is not reckless," I replied.

"What about my siblings?" he asked.

"Alexander is waiting for them," I replied.

"And the rest of the guild?" he asked.

"Taking up their positions," I replied.

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