Chapter 18: Understanding

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Aaron's POV

I was honestly curious. She would not be the type that would want to marry. Besides, her brother Alexander did what I could not, for I could not act at the age I was when she left.

She blinked at me, and I cursed in my head. That was the most blunt way to ask anyone anything personal. I did not to personal very well.

"Er... Sorry that was uncalled for," I said, before standing and leaving the sitting room without another word.

"Did you have a talk with my daughter? To talk sense into her?" her mother asked.

I shrugged. "I understand what she's going threw because I am a noble myself," I replied. "Personally to me, love should be love without a social class involved, good things happen when love is involved."

She was obviously taken by surprise when I mentioned I was a noble. "So are you married then?" she asked.

I shook my head. "No ma'am, I am not. I was supposed to, but I left before my parents could force it on me."

"You are a bad influence on my child!" she exclaimed, angry. I moved my head sideways so I avoided being slapped in the face.

"Mother that is no way to treat a guest!" Alexandra exclaimed, she had saw the whole thing.

Her mother ignored her. "What did you do to my daughter? I know you did something to her!"

"I did nothing Mrs. Williams I assure you. I would not do anything to her."

"You lie! She was once the perfect child any mother could ask for! Then she changed when she hit around the year of ten. Were you the one who influenced her to take the path of a man?"

"I did not know your daughter until she entered the guild," I replied simply, avoiding another slap, and a kick.

"Get out of my house and land! I swear I will end you if you show your face again!"

"Mother!" Alexandra exclaimed.

I shook my head. "It is alright Alex, I know where I do not belong," I said, bowing before exciting the house.

I heard screams on the inside of the house when I excited. I had not noticed it had started to rain. There was no thunder yet.

I looked over when I heard footsteps in the mud. I reconized the shape of Alexander. "Evening," I greeted as he walked up.

"Ah, Aaron, good evening sir," he greeted smiling, before hearing the shouts from the inside. He then blinked in surprise.

"I apologize, the agruing inside is my fault," I informed, looking down at the ground slightly.

"Oh, no it is quite alright lad. They argue when Alex is home all the time."

I nodded. "She is definatly something else with her mother."

"You know?" he asked, obviously shocked.

I nodded. "I found out when we were on a mission recently," I replied.

"Oh, sir please do not be angry with her, she means well I promise she does," I looked at him surprised. "She has always been the rebel type, even when she was little. She does what she wants and likes, and does not like to listen to others."

"I have noticed, she does not listen to any of my orders really," I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Pleas sir, please do not send her back. Mother and her never get along."

"Do not worry lad, I will not let her go. I am not mad at her either. I am just afraid on what the guild will say if they find out. In the past, females have not been treated the best because of all the men."

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