Chapter 34: Returning

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Aaron's POV

After seeing Alex, I avoided Olivia as best as I could. I needed to send a messege to the guild, mostly to Alex, explaining why I did what I did. But having Olivia literally clinging me made it difficult. I did not sleep well anymore, every night I would stay up and figure out a way to tell the guild.

"Aaron, I have some exciting news." I heard Olivia say as she entered the room. She had moved me to her quarters, I honestly did not like it.

"What would that be?" I asked, interested for my own intent.

"Since you have cut all of your strings with the enemy guild, I think we should pay them a visit." I stiffened.

"And what would we be doing with the visit?"I asked.

"Oh, it will be a painful visit, because you are going to be there."

"I do not think that is a good idea."

"Why is that?"

"If they see me, their rage will make them stronger."

"...I see, well, you still will be there, just not at the same time," she said, as walked toward the window.

"No, I will not go."

"Are you refusing me?"

"Yes, that I am." I replied, staring her down as she turned around to look at me.

"I cannot believe you Aaron! After all this time you now decide to fight back?"

I stood up. "Now I decided to make up my mind Olivia." I said advancing toward her. With a quick movement I pinned her against the wall.

"I now know what is more important to me. It is not keeping England safe. Because my guild will keep it safe. I do not doubt that."

She looked up at me with fightened eyes. "And what about your parents?"

"They can rot in hell for all I care." I then wrapped my palm around her neck, cutting out whatever she was about to say.

I killed her right then and there, before rushing to get supplies. I took as many weapons that I could, and wrote a note. I read it over after I was finished.


I know that you feel betrayed. I completely understand. However, please take the time to read this, for this might be the last time you hear of me.

The Spanish are after the guild to make the king defenseless, and are after the land my family owns.

My parents were working with the spanish, trading goods and did not want that to continue. When my younger brother found me, he told me of the situation. I could not refuse in fear of what would have happened to my siblings, my parents could rot in hell for all I care. I am asking you that you take my brother and sisters into the guild to keep them safe. Please Alex. They are all that I have left. You, I am not sure. I do not know how to explain my actions without them sounding like excuses.

I am heading out to get them as we speak. Please let them in the gates when they arrive. I will do everything in my power to hold off the enemy, but being only one person I do not think I will be able to hold them off for long. I might not do anything at all. So please do not do anything reckless, you are the only thing that is keeping me alive.

I love you.

When I finished reading, I jumped out of the window and headed toward the messenger birds. I picked out the one I had kept this whole time that would be lead straight toward Alex. I attached the letter to its left leg, before letting it out into the sky. I then turned and ran toward the stables and jumped on one of the horses before leaving at a full gallop. It took me an hour before I got to my esate. I jumped off the horse and went over to the huge building.

I let myself in, luckily my siblings were there in the front room.

"Aaron! What a surprise," Cassandra said.

I shook my head. "I tried my best, but you all need to get out of here."

"I was expecting more from you Aaron," My father said as he came down the stairs.

"You expect too much father. But I expect you to live up to your crimes."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you need to stay here, and live up to what you have done. We had nothing to do with it, only you and mother."

"I agree with brother, I wanted nothing to do with it," Cassandra said, standing. "I did not know about it until recently, so I will go with brother." I saw Christian nod and join her sister. Jared stood there, I knew he always wanted to live the life our partents wanted for him.

"You do not have to join if you do not want to Jared." I said to him. He sighed.

"No, I will come along. I have been the bigger brother this entire time while you were gone Aaron, I still need to be." I was grateful that he did.

I led them out without another word. I pulled out a map that had the guild's location on it. "You all will have about on hour to get there, do not waste time to get there."

"I thought we were going with you brother," Cassandra said. I shook my head.

"I need to be sure you all are safe. I will stall the enemy for as long as I can." I said, hopping onto the horse that I had came with. "You all get a seperate horse, it will be faster if you do." They all nodded and went to the stable and got on their horses. I nodded, and turned before heading back toward the guild.

Luckily the army had not made it to the guild yet, they were only about halfway. I jumped off the horse and pulled out my bow and aimed before firing at one of the rear troops.

I set off panic as I disappeared into the shadows. I was going to fight with all that I had, alone or not.

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