Chapter 25: Escape

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Alexandra's POV

Elliot and Aaron were in a dire condition and the other men that Cecil, Joel, and I came upon were all dead or past the point of no return. As soon as Cecil got Aaron down he passed out.

"Joel, you get Elliot up," I said and he nodded. I had just met up with them a short time ago.

I was standing on the edge of the tree line watching what the White Cloaks were doing. "I cannot do this alone," I commented to myself.

"Then it is a good thing that we came," I heard Cecil say and I turned to see him and Joel.

"You are here to help?" I asked.

"Of course," Joel replied.

"Joel, can you get us in there?" I asked.

"Should be easy," he replied.

"Will we be able to get out?" I asked.

"If we are lucky," he replied.

"I will take my chances, but you two do not have to," I replied.

"I cannot count the times Aaron has saved my life, 'tis time I repay him," Cecil said.

"Aaron convinced the others to let me back in, it is only fair to rescue him," Joel replied.

"Then let's go," I replied absolutely determined.

It was rather easy getting in, but getting out was our problem. Joel helped Cecil re-situate Aaron so Aaron was on Cecil's back and then I helped get Elliot in the same position on Joel's back. "How fast can you two move with them?" I asked.

"Not nearly as fast as I would like," Cecil replied.

"But we will be fine," Joel added. I nodded and walked out and they followed me, we stayed as close to the walls as we could and I resisted the urge to kill every White Cloak that I saw and then when we were close to the exit I heard bells start ringing.

"They know we are here," Joel commented.

"You guys move on ahead, I will cover you," I said.

"Aaron would kill me if I left you," Cecil said, shaking his head.

"Aaron will die if you do not, get outside and get to your horses; leave without me if I am not there in a few minutes," I replied.

"No way in hell," Joel said. I heard footsteps and I pulled out an arrow and shot the man.

"We do not have another choice, either leave me or we all die," I said. Cecil took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Be careful," he said before he moved as quickly as he could away, Joel following him. I stepped back as I shot each of the men that I saw coming, I was sure that not each of my shots killed them, but it sure kept them at bay. As I continued I was at the treeline that was when I turned and ran I jumped onto my horse and rode as fast as I could and I met up with Cecil and Joel.

"We keep moving, do not stop," I said as I passed them and then they began to move at their top speeds. We all leaned forward on the horses, kicking at them to go as fast as they could. I looked over and saw the limp figures of Aaron and Elliot and cringed. I was surprised that they were able to live for three months in a condition like that.

Fours hours later we arrived at the guild, it was far into the night and the only people awake was our sentries at the wall. There was a giant wall around the building that I assumed would be inside. When they saw us they began to cheer because they knew who the two unconscious men with us were. After they settled down the gate opened. Revealing a giant mansion, the shape of the building appeared to mimic the shape of the circular wall and by the way the roof looked there was an open area in the middle. The building itself seemed to only have four floors and the wall reaching well above eight of the same measurement. I saw a considerably smaller building closer to the wall an assumed it was the stables, which was correct. We stabled the horses and Cecil and Joel took up the positions they were in before.

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