Chapter 28: The Ball

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Aaron's POV

I lead Alex out onto the ballroom floor. Even though it had been three weeks, there was a lot to tell. One was that I might not return to the guild. In the three weeks she had been gone, my family had found me. I could not say no when I saw my brother while I was on a mission. It only made it worse when he told mother about my whereabouts.

"Alex, this is not what it seems," I said, maching her steps as the music played.

"It seems like a lot of different things Aaron," she said.

"It is not what you think. Alex, I don't know if I will be able to return to the guild right now."

I felt her stiffen. "What do you mean?"

"Much can happen in three weeks Alex. The first mission I was assigned to after my recovery, I met my brother. It was simple for my parents to take me back."

"You could not say no?"

"I am afraid I could not. They are in danger. I am here merely out of coincidence."

"In danger of what?"

I shook my head slightly. "I would rather not say."

She pouted slightly. "Fine, but if you are not going to tell me then you better stay out of the way of my job." I could hear the anger in her voice.

"I promise," I replied, but I felt bad about not telling her everything. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw the eldest prince, Lyon.

"May I have a dance with Alexandra?" he asked. I bowed to Alex and then to him and walked away, anger boiling inside of me.

"My brother had always had an eye on Alex, ever since we were children," Princess Elizabeth volleyed as she stood next to me.

"Princess," I said with a bow.

"Call me Liz, any friend of Alex is a friend of mine," she replied.

"Okay Liz," I said.

"Alex is oblivious to his advances. He took up the place of her brother during the time she spent here. He would comfort her and watch over her and stand up for her, but they had two different feelings sprout. My brother fell in love and she loves him like a brother, he denies that with all the passion in his heart; but seeing the way she looks at you and knowing she has never looked at him that way, was purely too much for him," she explained.

"Are you suggesting that the prince is jealous of me?" I asked.

"I am not suggesting anything," she replied with a small smile. I felt bad that she would never rule at least not in England, she was kind and would make an excellent queen. "Aaron would you care to dance?"

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"I would like to dance and it will help get your mind off things," she replied. I nodded once and led her out onto the dance floor. More than a few times I looked over at Alex and the prince and each time he was talking and it appeared if she was trying with all of her might to focus on what he was saying.

An hour later the ball was over and Liz insisted that all of us stay the night in the castle since it was so late. Rooms had already be prepared, we would be rooming with our siblings or cousins. To delay my going to my room I decided to walk around the castle. When, from around the corner, I heard the whispered voice of the prince and I got a horrible feeling. I broke into a run and then I saw him pushing Alex up against the wall, it was obvious that she did not want this, but she did not push him back.

I ran over and pulled him off of her. "Hey!" he yelled just before his back hit the wall. Alex stumbled forward, she could barely stand on her own so I made her lean against the wall.

"No matter who you are, you do not take advantage over women," I ground out stepping in front of Alex in a protective way.

"How do you know I was taking advantage of her?" he asked.

"She is obviously not herself and since there was no type of alcohol at the ball, she must have been drugged," I replied. He rushed forward and punched me in which I gladly punched him back and that just started us throwing punch after punch at each other.

"Break them apart!" I heard a girl yell, then I felt someone grab my shoulders and pull me away from the royal jerk. I wish I could have ended it sooner, however I needed to be able to make sure that I had just came back from being 'missing'.

"Aaron, Lyon, what the hell is going on here?!" Liz yelled as she supported Alex.

"He was attacking Alex, he must have drugged her and when I stopped him he punched me," Lyon said quickly, most likely too quickly. Liz looked at me and I shook my head.

"He lies," I stated.

"You dare call me a liar?!" Lyon yelled.

"I would die before I would hurt Alex in anyway, besides I had no access to her food so there was no way I could drug her, but on more then one occasion I saw you give Alex a drink," I replied. Liz looked at Alex and then me and then her brother and then back at Alex.

"Even if Alex was drugged she would know who saved her," she stated after a while. She looked at her guards. "Line them up." And we complied. She whispered something in Alex's ear and I could see Alex nod. Liz let go of Alex and Alex stumbled forward, it was near impossible to tell which way she was going to go. But the next thing I knew she collapsed into my arms.

"Take Lyon to his room and then report to my father about these events," Liz said and the two guards holding him dragged him away. The guards that were holding my arms let me go and I got a better hold on Alex.

"Is she okay?" Liz asked.

"Appears to be a sleeping drug, she should be fine in the morning," I replied.

"Good, let's get her to her room," she said and I picked up Alex in my arms. I was glad that Liz was there to help me. Though, with or without her, I would have easily overpowered the bastard.

I followed Liz to Alex's sleeping quarters, making sure to hold onto Alex tightly so I would not drop her. When we got to the room and walked in, I set her down onto the bed. I looked at her for a moment, before walking out. "Aaron, wait," Liz said as she walked up to me.

I shook my head and bowed in respect. "I know you would like me to stay the night, I cannot however. So please accept my apology. I have more important matters to attend to."

She blinked in surprise. "But your siblings are here, why can you not stay?"

"I have important matters to attend to princess. They are safer here than anywhere. I trust that you will watch over Alex as well?"

"You have my word. Though, Aaron. You should come by and visit when you can, even when your siblings leave. I do not know if Alex will be leaving anytime soon."

"I will if I can," I replied with a bow again, before walking away from her. I groaned when I heard an all too familiar voice, and turned to see Lyon run up to me, fire in his eyes.

"Hey you! You should be punished for what you did today," he threatened.

"In my opinion you should be. Taking an advantage of a woman is not what a gentleman does. It sickens me."

"Alexandra is mine and mine alone. I do not know how you know her, because if it was any other woman you would not have interfered."

"If that woman was one that would open her legs to you I would not have cared," I replied, before turning around. "And obviously she did not."

I heard him advance and I ducked as his arm swung for my head. He stumbled and tripped over himself as I left the castle, smiling at his clumsiness. I walked over to where my horse was, and hopped on. I grabbed the reins and looked back at the huge building before heading away from it.

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