Chapter 21 - He is Not a Happy Camper

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I pace back and forth in front of the hospital room, waiting impatiently for the doctor to tell me what's wrong with Jace and his friend. I never realized until now how much I actually cared for the dork. My nerves are tense and I have been ignoring all the calls from Adam. I hope he'll understand, even though it's been three days.

"Miss McFarland?" a man asks from behind me. I whirl around and see the little old man who has been saving Jace. He is way to old to be a doctor; give me a break.

"Yes?" I respond. "What's wrong?"

"Would you like the news on your brother, sweetie?" he asks, pulling his paper out. The obvious answer is yes.

"Of course," I say, trying to be polite. I really wanted to be rude. Duh I want to know.

"He is in stable condition, though I can't say the same about his friend," he says. "His friend suffered a much more severe wound than he did. His friend will be fine, but we will probably have to keep him in the hospital for a few more days."

"Can I see him? Please? It's been two days. He has to be well enough to talk to me," I say, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Very well," the doctor sighs, pushing the door open a little bit. I thank him quickly and enter in to check up on my little brother.

"Jace, are you okay, buddy?" I ask, coming to stand next to his bed. He looks pale and lifeless, but his eyes are open and he acknowledges my presence.

"Do I look okay?" he says. I get a little bit upset with his response. He doesn't have to be rude...

"You know, you should be grateful," I say. "You should be grateful that Sam called me just in time for me to get to you. If not, you wouldn't be here. And by here, I mean alive."

"Who cares about me?" he mutters, being his negative self that I can hardly stand. I tap my nails against his bed frame and pop my lips together before pulling up the nearest chair.

"A lot of people do, actually," I say, crossing my legs. "Especially Sam."

"I didn't save her," Jace says and I can see the color returning to his face. He is not a happy camper. "I promised her that I would keep her safe and I broke my promise. I am a horrible person. I deserve to be shot."

"You know, I bet Sam thinks you're dead right now and I can guarantee that she wishes she was dead too. You two have always had this relationship as siblings that I don't understand, but I wish I could have had it, too."

"Sorry," he sighs, looking up at me sadly. "You got stuck with Cody."

"Yeah, you can imagine how that went," I reply.

"Awful," he chuckles, but his face falls instantly. "I hate him. No, scratch that. I loathe him."

"You know, I still don't know why I even came to see you guys. Sam called me, so I showed up and you were unconscious with your friend. Why did she call me?"

"She didn't tell you?" he asks incredulously. "She told me while I was on my way home."

"Then spill the news, moron," I say. He cracks a smile and sighs.

"Sam did exactly what I tried to keep her from. She went to Jacob Young's house and she found where Cody has his drug business. I don't know anything besides Cody kidnapping her. He said something about not wanting the police to find him because of her."

"So he did kidnap her," I say, biting my lip. That poor soul...

"Yeah, he took her and I don't even want to know what he's doing to her now," Jace says. "It can't be good. I need to get out of here and go find her. She needs us, Casey."

"You need to focus on getting better though, Jace. If you rush recovery, you will have problems for the rest of your life. You don't want that. I can try and find a way to contact her."

"Like how?" he asks, looking annoyed. "You can't just contact her while she's someone's prisoner."

"Let's start with the Jacob kid. Weren't they dating?"

"Yes, but she broke up with him because of his involvement with Cody."

"Alright, well, then I think my theory is valid. He still likes her, so he's probably with her."

"Casey," Jace breathes, his eyes widening. "You are so smart. But how will you get his number?"

"Does Sam have her phone?"

"I doubt it."

"Then I guess I need to make a run home," I say, smiling. He looks up at me and smiles. I can feel the normal Jace coming back. He is so bad.

"I'll meet you there as soon as I can convince the nurses to let me go," he says evilly.

"Like I said, don't rush recovery, but if you happen to flatter some nurses, I guess I won't complain," I say, getting up to leave. "If I don't see you home, I'll meet you back here, okay?"

"Deal. And Casey?"


"Thank you."

"Thank you for what?" I ask.

"Thank you for saving me. I...I love you," he says. My heart leaps in my chest. It may just be the first time in our lives that we've exchanged that word and actually meant it.

"I love you, too," I say, smiling. "See you soon."

"Alright," he says. "Bye."

I close the door behind me and head to my car with a smile still on my face. I never thought I would live to hear any of my brothers, or rather brother, say that to me. It makes me so happy.

I climb in my car and head toward our house, which is not far from the hospital at all. As soon as I pull to the curb, I run in the house and quickly search for Sam's phone. To my relief, it is sitting on the kitchen table and it still has a decent battery. I pick it up and immediately start searching for Jake's number. Sure enough, there it sits just below Jace's number. I click on it and start trying to call this Jacob Young kid.

Please let him answer for Sam's sake.


A/N: Off to the side is a picture of Casey. Enjoy! Thanks for reading!


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