Chapter 12: Dream Part 2

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"No." She says, not a stern no, a wavy no. A no that said she was afraid of being hit.

"No?" His mouth opens wide and the room thunders with laughter. "Who do you think you are?" His slick black shoes shine In the light as one leg follows the other down the steps. "Look at you, you're a pathetic bitch that can't do anything." He gets to the bottom of the circular steps. His red suit shines, causing shivers down her spine.

"You really do look like a devil."

"Well sweety." He is suddenly behind her. Pelvis pushed against her butt, one hand holds both of her arms back behind her while the other caressing her chest. "You always say I am one."
The room turned a dark obsidian black with few dim red lights.

"I do not." She speaks nervously. He chuckles because of how cute she is. "I never thought bad of you jay." The room got a lighter a little. "I've always admired you, I admired you so much I never went back to them." Jay's grip loosened. She felt this and turned to face him. Her voice still not as strong as normal. "Jay I really do love you." She entwines her fingers with his and the lights get brighter and brighter. The room had a pulse.




This beat continues on a steady tempo.
"Jay I love you a lot, so so so much! Why else would I reject daesung why else would I ignore him an if I knew how to block calls I would. Jay it's you that I want to be with not him." He dropped to his knees, fingers still wrapping around hers. She gets down on his level. She hears small breaths escape from his body. A wet tear falls from his eyes to her hand.
"Ja-Jay don't cry."
He looks up from the ground, eyes still wet.

"I-I did that to you, your face, I hurt you. You have a knott on your head from hitting it on the car." He breathes in once more. His voice gets a little higher as he says, "and the scratches from pushing you out the car. (Y/n)." He sobs. "I'm so sorry."
"I love you Jay."

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