{part 5}

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    Two weeks later... London
    "Jared, come on get up." I whack him in the back of the arm with my hand, making him groan and flip me off before burying deeper in the sheets. "Jared." I sigh, fighting back the yawn. "Come on." I pluck out his ear plug, making him mad. He reaches out so fast I don't know what's happened until he's got me pinned to the bed with his arm. I chuckle gently, looking over at him, his eyes still closed as his right arm over my ribs, holding me against the bed. "You're not funny."
    "Then why are you laughing?" He asks a grin slowly claiming his handsome features. Did I mention how hot he was? Or how much I actually want to jump him? No, well I do, boyfriend or not, but I'd never, because that's wrong. But sometimes those crystal blue eyes catch my attention and steals my breath away or when he smiles those perfect white teeth and I feel my knees shake, or when he laughs fully and deeply, I just can't help myself. I feel like that from time to time, but not always, sometimes he makes me so mad I can't be in the same room as him, but god he gets his way all the time and I hate it, but fucking love it at the same time. I mentally slap myself, this is the reason I don't wake him up. That raspy morning voice makes my heart flutter and my panties hit the floor, especially when his cheeks are dusted with morning blush, and I get to watch those oceans open for the first time, his black lashes fluttering before revealing those godly eyes.
    He's perfect, too perfect. He's too good to be true. I tell myself over and over again, but sometimes I just let myself fall, little by little, just to build myself back up before I completely shatter and fall to my knees in front of him, it's what keeps me here sometimes. I mean I'd let those toned arms pick me up little by little themselves, holding me against that taut chest, and well maintained pack of abs. I feel my heart flutter, making me exhale a shaky breath when I realize his arm's still over me, my halter top crop top letting his arm muscles meet softer flesh, my ripped black skinny jeans not hiding any of my flat stomach.
    "Would you cut it out." I say turning away from him in an attempt to free myself from the godly man.
    "Aht." He clucks his tongue pulling me against his chest, making my breath catch in my throat when his abs rub against the small of my back. I bite back a moan, not letting him know I actually like the way his body fits into mine and I know I have to hold back the bite in my words because then things will escalate and that's the last thing I need. I hate this feeling, he makes me so mad when I feel like this, because it's wrong, and it shouldn't be, but we can't have a workplace relationship. "What's wrong princess?" He purrs in my ear sending a chill down my spine, making me bite my lip. He pushes the brown curls off my shoulder, tucking it under his chin. "Am I getting to you?" He asks his hand rubbing the exposed skin on my side as his raspy voice does the work I won't let his hands do.
    "Not even in your dreams." I snicker, making sure I keep the blit in my tone.
    "That's not true." He whispers. "In my dreams you're a moaning mess by now." I chuckle lightly.
    "This is reality Jared, I won't moan for you even if you begged me on your hands and knees." He lets out a low laugh, rumbling from deep in his chest, my heart skipping a beat, my mouth going dry instantly. His hand slips over the curve of my hip following the seam of my jeans before connecting sharply with my asscheek. I yip jumping up, and away from him, sitting on my knees on the opposite side of the bed, my hand finding where he hit. Fuck that hurt, even through my jeans. I glare at him as he chuckles, making me even more mad. I grab a pillow hitting him with it making him stop.
    "Oh now you're gonna get it." He says springing up, tackling me to the bed as he grabs another pillow, hitting me with it. I can't help but giggle, my laugh quickly escalating until I roll on my side and snort making him laugh, holding me down still.
    "Jay stop!" I laugh, trying to get away from him.
    "You snorted!" He laughs hitting me again.
    "Please stop!" I laugh harder snorting again.
    "You're defenceless." He says before stopping, my laughing slowly subsiding when he looks at me.
    "Ah god." I take deep breaths trying to calm myself.
    "I could ravish you right now." He chuckles. I feel my heart leap into my throat as I look at him, his face dead serious.
    "Jared." I feel my face slowly fall into a glare before shoving him off me, getting off the bed before he can do anything else. "Get ready." I snap leaving his room, slamming the door behind me. God he's such an asshole. We don't talk much after that, well between what happened this morning and him being in front of the camera we hardly have time. I text for three quarters of the ride back to the hotel, talking to Elliot about the trip and when we get back Jared heads right for the kitchen.
    "Mister Leto, I'll make dinner." Alexandra says trying to stop Jared.
    "No, it's fine. I'm sure Sav has something for you to do."
    "No, she doesn't are you sure?"
    "Yeah, just relax." I watch them for a second before shaking my head. God they're annoyingly cute. I roll my eyes when my phone rings.
       "Grayson." I stand up headed for my room when his voice stops me.
    "Hey kitten."
    "Elliot?" I stop short takin back my his voice.
    "Go down to the lobby of your hotel."
    "The lobby?" I question.
    "Yeah. I had a surprise sent to you."
    "You did? What is it?"
    "Why would I tell you?" I chuckle lightly a smile stretching across my face as I make my way toward the door headed for the lobby. When I step into the cream colored hotel lobby I look around before going to the front desk.
    "Hi do you have a package for me?"
    "Name?" The man asks smiling at me.
    "Savannah Grayson." But before the man can turn around I feel someone grab my hand, making me turn around, forest green eyes meeting mine. "Elliot?" I feel my heart leap into my throat for the second time today.

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