Double Ramyun Date

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He only chuckled at her.

"I said I was going to pay,"

"Well, I didn't say I was going to let you pay."

"I wanted to treat Kun."

"And I wanted to treat everyone. So, case closed."

"Jaehyun, just let me pay my half."

"No, I'll pay. You can pay me back later."

"But Jaehyun,"

"No buts," he said that in English. He then chuckled at his own lame ass joke he thought in his head. Don't even ask what kind of perverted joke he laughed about.

"How can I pay you back?"

"Let's just assume you owe me something, alright?"

"No! I won't do that. I don't like owing people."

"I'm not going to take money. Just remember that,"

"You seriously drive me crazy,"

"I know. Everyone's crazy about me,"

Eunseo sends him a wtf face and he just smiles. She could hear Winwin whisper something to Kun but she couldn't hear.

She looked at them questioningly but they only laughed it off.


Jaehyunss : Hey Eunseo

Jaehyunss : are you mad?

Jaehyunss : don't sulk with me

Jaehyunss : I don't know how to handle that


Jaehyunss : are you going to ignore me?

Jaehyunss : okay, sorry

Jaehyunss : it wasn't my fault I was there with WW

Jaehyunss : we happened to go there

Jaehyunss : and we even arrived before you did

Jaehyunss : you don't need to be so pressed on it

Jaehyunss : and the scene with Doyoung earlier wasn't me

Eunsseo : I know that

Eunsseo : Doyoung was out to ruin me

Eunsseo : he does that to me always

Jaehyunss : so you're not mad?

Eunsseo : nope

Eunsseo : just frustrated

Jaehyunss : don't worry

Jaehyunss : your black knight will save you

Eunsseo : I don't have a black knight

Eunsseo : I only have the Angel of Light, Devil of Darkness and Casper

Jaehyunss : who's Casper?

Eunsseo : guess

Jaehyunss : is it a ghost?

Eunsseo : close

Jaehyunss : is it Ten?

Eunsseo : no

Jaehyunss : then who?

Eunsseo : a boy with skin as white as snow, lips red as blood and dark black jet hair.

Jaehyunss : that sounds like Snow White

Jaehyunss : who's skin is white as snow?

Jaehyunss : who has bloody red lips?

Jaehyunss : I already have the dark hair

Jaehyunss : Is it Taeyong?

Eunsseo : It's someone with the initials JYO.

Jaehyunss : how can a person guess that?/?

Jaehyunss : :\

Eunsseo : have fun guessing, Yoonoh.

Jaehyunss : wait how do you know my real name?


The fifth chap with food. I'm food. Food is me. Food is love. Food is life.

Unright | JaehyunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz