Tom is about to panic

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"Tom why are you calling at 6 o'clock in the morning ?" She mumbled very tired down the phone before she yawned loud and long.

His voice sounded irritated, which was absolutely not normal for him. "Because you didn't call me yesterday when you came home birdie. I had asked you to call me whatever time hadn't I ?"

"I wasn't home before 1 am sweetie.. I wouldn't want to wake you".  Why was he suddenly acting like this ?

There came an irritated huff from him. "When I write no matter what time, then call me even if it's 1 am, I was fucking worried about you".

"Excuse me, if I had known it meant so much I would have called, but I was just on a date". What was happening here ? He never raised his voice at her before.

His voice sounded so inquisitive. "A date yes, but with who ? Who says he can be trusted, that he isn't dangerous ?"

  "No Tom, you need to relax right now, you're not my father.. of course, he isn't dangerous and we were out in public". Seriously ? He never interfered with her dates before.

Tom sighed on the other end. "I was just nervous okay ? But how was your date then ? You are alone right ?"

"Okay, and yes I'm alone, it was the first date.. I'm a good girl, but we have a second date on Saturday, so who knows.. it might lead to something" She says teasingly.

She could literally hear him biting on his lip. "So you are going to see him again ? In a week ?"

"Yes, he was sweet.. we had a nice evening and he is quite handsome.. so why not ?" She answered honestly, she had always been able to tell Tom about these things.

His voice was suddenly hard again. "Promise to be careful okay ? Men often lie and pretend to be things they are not.. he probably only want one thing".

"Well perhaps you know all about that or what ? Isn't that what you are doing ?" She knew that of course he wasn't, but right now he started to annoy her.

He sighed again. "Birdie, come on, you know very well I'm not like that. I'm just worried about you, I just don't want you getting hurt okay ?"

"Okay sweetie, but I can I go back to sleep now ? I'm pretty tired". She said and yawned again.

He laughed, that low laugh she loved and she is glad to hear something positive from him. "Yes of course birdie, see you soon and I miss you very much".

"I miss you to Tom, see you". She hung up and wondered what it was with him, but then she fell asleep again.

Fuck she had a good date and was going out with him again, and he couldn't do anything as he was stuck in Canada the next 12 days.

But 12 days was too long, there was too high a risk she could be doing something with this guy before he got home and to be honest the idea was driving him to madness.

It had never bothered him, but now  the thought of another man touching her felt all wrong, she should be his, and only his.. why hadn't he realized it before ?

He was not sure how she would react, perhaps it would ruin their friendship, but he had to try, otherwise he would end up going insane.

But right now he had to do something, he had to be back in a week instead of two weeks, even if he had to work night and day to finish.. he just had to have everyone else in on the idea .

So he dressed and hurried down to wake up a rather annoyed Ben, who, like Raven, was not an early riser.

Just best friends (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now