Capter 3: Wands and Ice Cream

Start from the beginning

Me and Remus had just arrived outside Ollivander's when he said, "I think I'll just go ahead to the ice cream shop. I'll meet you there after you get your wand." I had to get a new wand because earlier in the year my father had broken mine in a bout of rage.

"Okay, that's fine." I have him a small smile, which he returned before leaving.

Remus is a nice, polite boy who I have come know well enough to call him an acquaintance. Not a friend, but maybe almost. Despite his decorum, Remus also has a surprisingly funny side and can make me laugh until my sides hurt. I missed the feeling of my sides aching with laughter or my cheeks hurting from smiling so much. Remus revived the feeling of happiness in me, and for that I'll never be able to repay him. I think my mum would be proud of me for trying to make a new friend, and I think she would like Remus.

I walked into the old shop and saw it was quite plain with boxes upon boxes of dusty wand boxes. There was a counter with a bell on it and strangely on one behind it. I cautiously walked up to it and rang the service bell, half expecting someone to jump out and yell BOO! A second later an old man with wispy gray hair and unnerving silver eyes emerged.

This must be Mr. Ollivander, I thought.

"Ah, Miss Frost I've been expecting you. " Ollivander said, putting his eyes on me.

"You have?" I asked quietly. How does this guy know my name?

"Yes I have. You look like your mother, I remember her first wand. Birch with Phoenix feather core, 8 inches. Rather swishy, and good for Charms." He said thoughtfully.

I felt a flood of pain invade my veins but quickly locked it away. "I'm here for a wand, sir." I said quickly, eager to get out of here and back to Remus.

"Of course you are. Let's get you measured then." And with that he disappeared to the back of his shop and a measuring tape came and started measuring me all over. It was getting really annoying so I started batting at it when it decided to measure the space between my nostrils. Just then Ollivander came back with an armful of wand boxes and the measuring stopped. Thank God!

I walked up to him and he handed me a wand. "Here you are Miss Frost, Maple with dragon heart string, 7 inches."

I looked at it a second before giving it a wave. Nothing happened.

Wow that was disappointing, I thought.

Ollivander snatched it away muttering to himself. I then spoke up curious, "Um, Mr. Ollivander, why can't I just pick out a wand?"

He looked at me a second before saying wisely, "Its the wand that chooses the wizard, Miss Frost, not the other way around."

Okay then.

"Here try this." And so it went on like that for about 16 wands later until he handed me Cypress with phoenix feather core, 9 and a half inches. As soon as I grabbed it I felt warmth fill me and I knew this was my wand. I have it a flick and sparks came out of the end. It had an engraving on it with swirly designs on it. I didn't know what the engraving said but instead Ollivander answered for me.

"It reads 'omnia vincit amor' which is Latin for 'love conquers all'. " he smiled at me and the said. "You my dear will do great things one day but you will encounter much suffering."

Haven't I suffered enough?

I sighed and thanked him for my wand before paying and leaving the ancient store. I made my way to Floren Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, where I saw Remus at a table outside. He looked up and saw me and gave a little wave. I waved back and sat across from him.

"How did getting a wand go?" Remus asked politely.

"It was a bit strange I suppose, but I got a marvelous wand anyway." I replied. I didn't want to tell him exactly what happened yet since I just met him.

Just then a waitress came by and asked us what we wanted. At the exact same time we both said, "Triple chocolate swirl sundae with chocolate syrup."

The waitress raised her eyebrows and said, "It appears we have some chocoholics." She smiled and then left.
Me and Remus looked at each other and then burst out laughing.

"I love chocolate!" I said between fits of giggles.

"Me too! That is such a coincidence!" Remus managed to cough out.

We finally calmed down as the waitress came back and handed us our excessive chocolate sundaes. We ate our treat, all the while telling jokes. After I finished mine I stuck my face in the bowl and started licking it clean. I knew I must look very unladylike bit I couldn't help it, I never ever get food like this at the house. Plus I was very thin so what harm could ice cream do?

I looked up from my bowl to see Remus looking at me, trying to hold back his laughter.

"What? What's so funny?" I asked completely oblivious.

He then burst out hysterically laughing and pointed at my nose. I was still confused so I tried seeing the end of my nose, but instead ending up looking cross-eyed, which made Remus laugh even harder. I touched the end of my nose and saw I had ice cream on it. I then started laughing too, people around us stared as they walked by, but we didn't care.

We calmed down and the waitress lady lady came back and took up our empty plates. She looked at me and said, "You know you have ice cream on your nose right?"

This caused me and Remus to start laughing again. I only stopped when my side started hurting really bad. The waitress was standing there awkwardly, waiting for is to pay her. I went to grab some money out of my bag when I realized I didn't have any left. I looked guiltily at the waitress who was staring at me expectantly. I opened my mouth to tell her I was broke when Remus cut me off and hands her money for the both of our desserts.

"Have a nice day." And with that the waitress left.

I looked at Remus and said, "You shouldn't have done that. "

He just shrugged and replied, "I know but I wanted to. Plus you looked like you were in a fix. " He smiled at me.

I sighed defeatedly, I'm relieved he did that but I felt guilty for making him spend his money. "Thanks." I muttered not meeting his gaze. He lent over the table and wiped the ice cream off my nose with a napkin. I felt a smile tug at the corners of my mouth, looked up and saw Remus staring at me.

"You have pretty eyes." he said quietly. He didn't say it in a flirtatious voice, but in a way that made it sound like a fact. It made me blush none the less, I don't get complimented very much of late. I looked back down at the table and muttered, "thanks" again. He smiled and said, "Shall we go?"

I nodded and got up and started walking towards The Leaky Cauldron with Remus beside me. My original plan was to stay at The Leaky Cauldron until school started back but seeing that I ran out of money I would have to go back. All my school supplies are now in my magical backpack that I carried on my back at all times.

Me and Remus stepped inside the pub and stood there awkwardly. "Thanks for everything, Remus. I enjoyed the company. " I finally said quietly.

"Anytime, and thank you for letting me come with." He looked at me shyly and smiled for probably the millionth time today.

I surprised myself by giving him a hug which he hesitantly returned. I stepped back and grabbed some floo powder from a pot by the chimney and then walked into the chimney. "Frost's Residence!" I said before throwing down the power and was once again swallowed by green flames.

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