And go on a date with me to Hogsmeade on Saturday.

She yelped and jumped so high she slipped off the seat and onto the bathroom floor.

Draco! What the-!

You were thinking especially loudly. I wasn't eavesdropping. They are wonderful plans by the way, but if you don't stop planning in the loo and get to the Great Hall you'll miss out on breakfast.

She rolled her eyes and got up off the bathroom floor, adjusting her robes.

Just because we're...whatever doesn't mean you can tell me what to do.

He snickered, the sound echoing through her head and sending warm tingles over her skin.

I did not tell you what to do. I know better. I merely told you what would be the result of your current path.

She made a face as she transfigured the toilet seat back to normal and shouldered her bag.

You're a Slytherin. Of course you didn't come right out and tell me what to do.

He snickered again.

Point. Now, are you going to respond to my date offer?

She froze in the middle of unlatching the stall door as his first words to her came back.

A date.

A real date.

Her stomach grew all fluttery and she felt her cheeks grew warm.

But...there's so much to do. I mean, we don't really have-

Griffonshit. The world won't fall apart if we take a couple hours to ourselves. Besides, we'll have the coins if anyone needs us. Not to mention our bags and the journals.

She began moving again, a smile splitting her features.

Alright. I'll see you in the Entrance Hall at ten then. On Saturday.


She realized as she left the bathroom that her shaking had stopped and she was feeling much better. True, it had been a stroke of good luck that they had pulled Ollivander out at the right moment, but they had done it. They had saved at least one person from Voldemort and there were Order members attempting to save another. There was no point in worrying about what could have been.

It served no purpose.

With that thought in mind she continued on her way down to breakfast.


Hermione found out late on Friday that the Order expedition to the continent had failed to find Gregorovitch.

Forge: old no nose got him first. that or he's on the run

Gred: his house was nothing but ashes. neighbors swear they saw nothing

King: sounds fishy to me

Phoenix: I agree. neighbors may know something.

Prongslet: we can't force them to talk

Moon: I could force them.

Snake: I could as well

King: you two are bloody scary

Ginger: and the rest of us arent?

King: ALL girls are scary

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