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Harry's POV


She's honestly, utterly, incomprehensibly, insane.

What self respecting, loved by many, young woman would have sex with Liam Payne?!

He's a player, he's lazy, he refuses to share the remote if he's watching Telly in the living room, and his forehead his huge.

Alright I'm being a bit petty with the last one but its true!

How does my sweet cousin Lavender not see him for who he truly is?


As a lover!

As a friend and person, Liam is golden.

He's actually one of the best friends I've ever had in my life.

He's a good person at heart, I'm aware of that.

He just doesn't know how to be in a relationship.

When will he man up and grow some balls?!

I was angrily chopping tomatoes for tonight's dinner when Louis and Zayn came into the kitchen.

Making sure to speak loudly about Lavender.

"No, I'm sure she's totally fine Zayn. Being called a fat whore by one of her closest family members and all."

Louis spoke with that usual hint of sarcasm on his voice.

How did they know this?

Was I really that loud?

I need to quiet down.

Zayn though.

He's more direct as a person.

"You need to apologize to your cousin, H. Absolutely uncalled for and you know it."

I didn't dare turn my back as I was fully aware of the knife in my hand and was certain I'd try to strike at Zayn's balls.

"Why don't you mind your business, alright? She's my family and she's young and I have every right to be concerned about which one of my roommates chooses to stick his di-"

"YOU are over reacting, Harry. She's only maybe one year younger, yeah? She's as grown as you and I and she can make decisions for herself. She came for a nice visit in a brand new place and she's just trying to have fun. Don't act like you're her father. You need to apologize."

I gripped onto the knife tightly as I heard the footsteps of the pair walking out of the kitchen.

What in the flying FUCK would they know about any of this?

None of their sisters or cousins have had Liam fuckin Payne trying to get into their pants.

They have no idea what I'm going through.

The pull I feel inside of me between my closest friend and dear family member.

I sighed deeply before dropping the knife and burying my face in my hands.

I've got some serious thinking to do before I can finish dinner.

Thick Thighs & Dreamy Eyes-l.j.p {au} Where stories live. Discover now