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"Harry, god, get the fuck out of here! You've fucked things up enough for me, now leave!"

I held my breath as I heard Harry sigh deeply before he made his way towards the bed.

Oh fuck, the bed's gonna di-

The loud creaking of the springs and my nose getting punched by the dip of the mattress made my head spin as Harry spoke.

"Lavender....he's not...no, he's a good person and all but he's...he's really not...that..."

He paused for a good while before Lavender interjected finally.

"He's not what?"

"He's not good enough for you goddamnit. He fucks anything that moves, he doesn't have a fucking job, he's late on his rent always, and he drinks the orange juice out of the carton like a prick, okay?!"

It grew quiet once more before he started to speak again.

"He's a great person and a wonderful friend. I consider him a brother. But if he fucking thinks he can be inside of you just cause you're sure to leave this summer, then fuck that. I will not allow you to be his quick fuck. You're a lady and you deserve to be treated as such."

I swallowed the small lump that began to grown in my throat.

So this is what Harry really thinks of me.

And look at the position I'm in.

Underneath the "quick fuck's" mattress, proving his point.

Maybe I should man up and reveal that I've been listening this who-

"You know what Harry,"

Lavender began.


She sighed and took a quick breath.

"I don't really give a flying fuck what you think of Liam. I am not that little girl you'd come visit every summer all those years ago. Im a grown ass woman and I make my own decisions. I honestly don't really care if you think I'm no lady for wanting to have sex with Liam. I like him and I know he'd be a great lay. And I'm sorry you have a problem with it. And I love you dearly. But right now you, you need to get out because I can handle my damn self."


It's been a quiet breakfast.

Nobody's really speaking because the tension is unbelievably noticeable.

Harry and Lavender haven't made eye contact the whole meal.

And there was no way in hell I was going to speak up.

For fear of Harry stabbing me in the face with a fork.


Louis began.

"What's on the agenda today, guys?"

"Oh nothing Lou!"

Harry cheered.

"Was just gonna help move Lav's things out to Gemma's today. What are your plans?"

"That would be stupid as fuck, considering she's on her way to California for a work trip Harry."

Lavender said before Louis was able to reply.

She didn't even bother looking up from her French toast as she spoke.

I let out an uncomfortable cough before hearing Harry's fork hit the plate and his chair scoot back loudly.

"I'd ease up on that toast Lavvy,"

Harry began.

"Your thighs are surely testing our table chairs."

Oh fuck.

Lavender looked up from her plate and dropped her fork as well.

She got up slowly as she slammed her hands on the table.

"Excuse me, Mr. love handles. But are you fucking kidding me?"

Harry chuckled as he grabbed his keys and opened the front door.

"Not in the least, love. See you all later."

He slammed the door.

Leaving a stunned lavender, Louis, Niall, Zayn and me.

Thick Thighs & Dreamy Eyes-l.j.p {au} Where stories live. Discover now