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I took my sweet time getting ready for the day.

I showered slowly, brushed my teeth slowly, styled my short hair slowly.

I even fucked around with stubble on my face for a little just to take up more time.

It was gonna be an awkward encounter.

A second awkward encounter actually.


The murmuring of mixed voices began to become clearer as I neared the dining area.

And there sat all of my mates plus one hot American chick.

"There you are, ya little tease!"

Louis said with a smirk before I flipped off with a dirty look.

Eye contact between "Lav" and I was made and she smiled kindly, showing off the most beautiful pearly whites.

Americans have amazing teeth, it isn't fair.

She stood up and walked towards me, the grip on my mug was unbelievable.

The rest of the boys were so deep in conversation, that Harry hadn't even noticed her leaving her seat beside him.

"We didn't get a chance to meet earlier so...hi, I'm Lavender."

She extended her hand out to me and I shakily took it with the best non nervous grin I could muster.

"L-lovely name. I'm Liam."

"You better have washed your filthy hands!"

Niall shouted before the group erupted in laughter.

All except Harry.

Who kept his gaze strong and full of anger.

Right on me.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, already done with my so called "friends".

"Thanks! I've always liked the name Liam. It's such a sexy boy's name."

My heart skipped a beat as I looked at her with slight awe and reddening cheeks.

I instantly looked up to make sure Harry was back into the more than likely stupid conversation with the rest of the lads.

Luck was on my side this afternoon.

She giggled lightly before making her way into the kitchen.

Leaving me with a slight pants tent.


Small knocks on my door interrupted me from my laptop.

I hopped out of bed to answer, praying it was Lavender.

I opened up only to be shoved back inside by an angry Harry before he slammed my door.

"What the fu-"

"Shut up!"

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and actually lifted me up from the ground and pressed me against the wall.

I always forget just how strong he is.

"There are no other rooms except for the one right by yours so Lavender's gonna have to stay there. I've already tried to convince her to stay with Gemma but she won't listen. So here are some new rules. You don't look at her. You don't speak to her. You don't breath near her. You don't even exist if she is five feet away from you. Am I clear?"

"H-how am I this high up off the ground..."

He rolled his eyes and released my collar, letting me fall to my feet with a thud.

"You had such an obvious boner at lunch, I wanted to punch you."

I looked away from him, slightly ashamed.

" 'M sorry mate...I-i would never do anything to...ya know...have...s-s-sexual relati-"

"Damn it, shut up! I don't want to hear it. She is my family and she's more than important to me and I know how you've been treating ladies lately."

I couldn't argue with that.

I've been down on my luck with relationships so I've been mainly sticking to one night stands and quickies in club bathrooms.

I'm not proud of it, but it has been my life lately.

"I know."

I squeeked out.

To ashamed, and quite frankly scared, to meet Harry's gaze.

He let out a heavy sigh before walking towards me.

"I'm sorry Liam, I'm sorry. You're my mate, I trust you. It's just...she's young and naive and I haven't seen her for a few years and she's developed and it's stressing me out because I promised her mum that I would protect and care for her this summer and fuck I'm sorry, don't hate me for yelling!"

Before I knew it, I was engulfed in Harry's large arms with his head on my shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Shit okay...okay calm down, Harry. It's okay, I understand."

I awkwardly patted his back.

I thought of ruffling his curls but decided against it.

He pulled away and wiped his eyes.

"Sorry, sorry. Just don't want you to be upset with me."

I rested my hand in his shoulder and gripped it.

"You've got my word. I won't try anything on Lavender."

Thick Thighs & Dreamy Eyes-l.j.p {au} Where stories live. Discover now