Chapter 20 Shooting that turned into something more

Start from the beginning

"Hi there Lizzy." Austin greeted the woman. "This is Samantha my girlfriend, and Sam this is Lizzy your stylist."

"Hi Lizzy."

"Hi Sam nice to finally meet you! I will be the one in-charged for your outfit today and the guy over there with the curly hair is Patrick and he will be doing your hair. While the lady in red is Belle and she will do your makeup. We are your glam team today and I am so excited to make you pretty. Although, we won't be doing many work considering the fact that you are already gorgeous." She smiled at me. Wow! This girl can talk.

"Lizzy! Don't blabber too much because we need as much time as we can to do all those things." Patrick said while walking towards me and already touching my hair.

"Fine, fine lets get started!" Lizzy said while escorting me to sit in front of the mirror.

"I will be heading to the main location now babe. I'll see you when you get there." Austin said

"Okay babe. Drive safe." I said and he kissed me square on the lips.

"I love you" Austin said after breaking apart.

"I love you too."

"Okay love birds break it off! We need to get started." Belle said with a smirk on her face. That's when I noticed that everyone is looking at us with a cheeky smile on their faces. It's like they know something that I don't. Hmmm.

After 10 minutes of starting my makeover, another crew went near me and introduced herself as Melinda. She told me about the whole story of the music video and what I will be doing when we get to the airport. I can't believe we're shooting inside the airport. I am even more excited now!

After an hour of doing my hair, my makeup, and choosing an outfit we finally went to the location.

When we arrived, the crew already set up the whole place but I can't seem to find Austin anywhere. I asked one of the producers where he is bit he just told me to wait for the right scene to see him.

"Attention! Everything is already prepared and everyone is present so we will start the filming in 5. Get to your designated places characters." One of the crewmen said and I was ushered to stand near the entrance of the door in order for the guard to give me the first rose flower.

"3..2..1..ACTION!" Someone said and thats my cue to take my luggage and sashay near the entrance. When I was near the guard Austin's song automatically started while the guard lip synch the words and gave me the first rose.

This went on and on until I have a full bouquet of red roses. They told me to only stop walking when I see the family of the main character and the boyfriend. Austin's song is playing on the background and I kept walking but then suddenly stopped when I saw my whole family there.

I am so confused and looked around to see if we are still filming but before I can do so the song stopped and I heard Austin's voice.

My family moved apart to make way for Austin. He is looks devilishly handsome in his suit. He smiled at me and started talking while the song "Can't help falling in love" plays softly in the background.

"Samantha, you bumped into my life literally. From that very moment in the mall when you blew off my cover I realized that you are something else.  You made me run away from the mob of girls chasing me. But I don't regret going to the mall that day because that moment lead me to you. We started talking from then on and every time we meet personally you never once failed to make my day. You are not like any of the other girls. You are nice, funny, simple, and most importantly you have a beautiful soul.   That is why I fell in love with you and I wanted to make you mine." Austin said while making his way towards me

"Our relationship isn't perfect and it definitely wasn't easy. We faced many problems and challenges but those are only a few test in our relationship. Samantha you gave a whole different reason to my life when you came. You showed me that despite my short comings you are still there willing to stay. You gave me a reason to wake up with a smile on my face thinking that I get to spend another day with you and Kendra."

"Samantha you are the strongest person that I've ever met. But don't worry baby I will always be here by your side whenever you need me. We will face all our problems together and I can't wait to make more memories with you. Samantha Parker, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Austin said and went down on one knee. He took out a small red box from his pocket and opened it to reveal the most beautiful diamond ring that I've ever seen in my life.

I probably looked like a mess right now from bawling my eyes out but I didn't care. My full attention is till at Austin and without wasting anymore time, I gave him my answer.

"Yes. Yes Austin I will spend the rest of my life with you." I said happily and Austin immediately wrapped his arms around me and spun me around. He put me down and slid the ring on my finger. Austin caressed my cheeks and kissed me passionately. Cheers erupted around us and we break the kiss but not completely pulling away from each other.

"Congratulations" Michele said when she reached us. Richard and mom also congratulated us and handed me Kendra.

We hugged everyone who greeted us and thank them all for setting everything up. I still can't believe that they did all these just for Austin to pop the question.

Everyone told us to go and enjoy our day after all the greetings. So we did exactly what they said and we took Kendra with us but instead of going home Austin made a detour to a very special place.

He stopped the car and opened the door for me. We walked towards the forest with Kendra in my arms.

"Remember this place?" Austin said when we finally reached the lake.

"Of course this is where you asked me to be your girlfriend. I said that was the best day of my life but today definitely takes the place." I said and we sat down near the water.

"That was over a year ago but that was the time when I realized that I can't lose you." Austin said

"Austin you can't lose me. I promise that. We are still very young right now and we still need to learn a lot of things but I definitely want to do all these with you. I love you so much." I said while looking at him in the eyes. The same eyes whom I fell in love with and the same eyes that I'll get to see the first thing in the morning for the rest of my life.

"I love you too babe. And I love you too Kendra." Austin said when Kendra made a sound and reached out to touch Austin.

We stayed there for a while. Just reminiscing about the things that we did and enjoying the presence of each other.

Today is really a great day. And a great life ahead.


Omg! Thats it guys the final chapter of this book. I can't believe it took me two years to finish this story.

I'm sorry for the veryyyyyy long wait. To everyone who waited this long for the journey of Samantha and Austin, thank you so much! You guys are the reason why I went back and finished this book. I love you all.

Until next time.



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