"But-but my bed and pj.. " Lucy moaned miserably.

"I don't care" Lucy pouted and followed Hancock, her sisters chuckled a bit at Lucy and Hancock. They could tell Hancock liked Lucy, they're Hancocks sisters, so knowing when she liked a person or not was a piece of cake!

As she followed Hancock, Lucy noticed that some of the people here, seemed anxious and nervous. Like they're hiding something. She saw Hancock asking a woman, if anything has happened while she was gone. The woman didn't meet her gaze and said that nothing happened.

Hancock narrowed her eyes, but carried on, she entered the castle of hers, Lucy following behind.and upon arrival, is presented by a gift from the younger amazons, a statue of her made with mud and clay.

"Aww! How sweet!" Hancock simply scoffed and knocked it down, breaking it, stating that it was crudely made. At this moment Lucy was reminded of her past when her father had done the same to her rice balls, oh how devastated she was. Those kids will probably feel the same if they found out.

Hancock also inquires why most of the warriors weren't at the harbor to meet her. Enishida, the one asked, lies that a dangerous "monkey" was on the island and they went to go kill it to which Hancock brushes it off and goes to relax. Nyon suddenly shows up in the throne room "Hey you're that.." Lucy trails off, nyon tries to convince boa to take the World Government's order, since her Shichibukai title was the sole reason the island was kept safe in the first place after marines found a way to cross the Calm Belt. When Hancock does not budge, Nyon attempts to show her future through a crystal ball but Hancock stops the process. Hancock then tells Nyon she does not care if the island is destroyed since everyone will forgive her, Lucy of course rolled her eyes but didn't disagree knowing well that was true, before throwing  nyon out a window.Lucy screamed in terror, scrambling to see what happened to the old woman, but somehow The elderly amazon managed to land on her feet, avoiding injury,
lucy sighed in relieve, then glared at hancock, in return hancock paying her no attention. The princess's bath time is soon announced and the amazons in the castle are forced to leave and set up a perimeter around it, not allowing anyone in "Our training will be after" boa said to Lucy, She left and the preparations for her bath started. By now Lucy had gotten used to it. She doesn't know why they make it such an over dramatic thing. But whatever Lucy shrugged and walked up to the Enishida "so.. " Lucy started watching as Enishida tensed up, "what's really wrong?" She asked, the Amazon stammered out a nothing. "Just tell me, what I do know, is that it's something you don't want boa to know " the women still insisted that there's nothing going on. Lucy sighed "look either you spill it and I don't tell boa or you don't and I find out on my own and tell boa. It's your choice" Lucy felt very evil. She didn't like doing this... 

Okay maybe she liked it a bit

But that doesn't mean she wants to torment the poor girl. The woman finally gave up and spilled the info "hmm.. So he's in the jungle right now?" "Yes at least that's where I saw him jump off at. " "jump off?" "Ah, yes he had stretched his way and had even kidnapped one of the womans with him and leaped off the wall" "what?! And how are you even sure he's still alive?! I mean if he jumped all that he must've at least broken all his bones!" "No apparently not. The woman still saw him again" "wow..anyway we don't got time we have to find him before boa finds out! Thanks for telling Me it was very nice of you!" Lucy said "um..sure You're welcome... Even though you forced me..." the woman sweat dropped. Still how nice of Lucy to help, as she headed to the jungle she stopped midway "oh and tell these kids who made the boa clay that it was amazing and they did a great job!" Enishida smiled. 

Time skip~



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