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It's been a month now, Clover, Umi, and silk turned back to humans and were living happily. Lucy has been working hard as Hancock's slave and let me tell you.

It's hard.

Especially with an unreasonable woman like Hancock. Oh, don't get Lucy started. Even if all she wanted to do was rip her hair out and snap and vent. But when did she have time for that? Instead of living with Clover like Lucy and Clover thought she would. She was forced to go live at the castle Hancock lived. So she could order her around even more when she's within reach.

Clover had been so excited and jealous of her, it made Lucy confused. Wasn't she angry about Hancock did to her? If she was, she sure didn't show it. Lucy asked her about it. But Clover just waved her off.

"Oh, it was just a little argument! She turned us back didn't she? I'm sure Hancock sama is a kind woman." 

Pft. Kind. Yeah right.

Anyway, It wasn't fun, the training. Especially under Hancock evil hands.  But it's what kept Hancock from turning Lucy's friends back into stone. She couldn't tell clover and have her perfect view of Hancock be ruined. And so she opted to just shut her mouth. And besides. As she said before, Lucy will do anything for them.

Somewhere along the line, Hancock started to train Lucy. She saw her fight one of the women on the island (kind of like those gladiators fights)

She decided that Lucy was too weak to be Hancock servant and made a decision that she'll train Lucy.

"You should be grateful, it's purely out of the kindness of my heart."

"Ah, Hancock-sama you're so kind!"

Blah. Lucy still wasn't completely used to everyone fawning over Hancock. Even her own sisters (the two giant ladies which Lucy finally learned their names, Marigold and Sandersonia).

At first, Lucy didn't know whether to reject or not. She didn't need help, she was helping herself already.

But then she actually thought about it and decided why not? She'll improve her skills in combat and maybe even win!

News flash, Lucy lost.

Hancock whooped her ass and found a million fault in the way she fought. From her stance to her punches. Everything. It was horrible, the training.

To be fair though, Hancock did warn Lucy before they started, she said it'll be a living hell.

It is a living hell.

But thankfully (and surprisingly) Hancock was more patient and more observant. She took her time explaining things simply when Lucy didn't understand, Lucy continued to get stronger, training rigorously every day, even when the temperature began to drop and the ground became covered in snow.

When Hancock came lunging at her. Lucy was surprised at how agile she'd become. Fighting against boa every day, the progress wasn't as easy to measure. But as Hancock threw a kick after kick she found herself weaving around her kicks, contorting and bending her body away from the hits. Of course, that didn't mean she escaped all of them.

"You've gotten much stronger! But you've still got a ways to go before you're even halfway decent Kuja warrior!" Hancock announced, and Lucy nodded. The fire in her eyes burned bright and made Hancock smirk.

Later on, Lucy went out on a rare night off. To go drinking with Umi Clover and silk. Of course, Lucy drank and talked and laughed and had fun as much as she could.

Also having beer as much as she can until there was no doubt she was wasted.

The hall is full of noises of woman laughing, talking and crying (they're drunk) like Lucy was any better, she's more drunk than half of them combined. She hiccuped. Face flat against the table

Lucy The FairyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant